View Full Version : 12 other sponsorship steps

10-25-2013, 01:03 PM
If someone wants what I have to offer and I am willing to make the
effort to give it, then I am ready to take certain steps. These are
the principles that make sponsorship possible.
1) I am powerless over you and how you recover and I cannot manage your recovery.
2) I believe in the power of the help available to you, through me, other members, the rooms, the literature, and a loving power greater than either you or me.
3) I make a decision to give you onto the care of a loving power as you are coming to understand.
4) I face with a power greater than myself all that you are and all that you choose to bring.
5) I share with you in truth and honest reflection the experience, strength and hope I have acquired.
6) I become entirely ready to work with you in any way.
7) I remain teachable in order to seek any new perspective or direction in helping you in your recovery.
8) I make all effort to bring you into my heart, willing to do all that I can except when to do so will injure myself or others.
9) I am direct with you, consistent and unswayed by distractions or diversions.
10) I look daily at the direction of our work and promptly seek to correct misdirection where found.
11) I seek through prayer and meditation, understanding of the will of a power greater than yourself in your life and the power to support that.
12) I continue to do all of these steps, seeking always how I may best help you in your recovery.

12-02-2013, 06:20 PM
Always good to remember. Another person's perception, can make me aware of mine and allows me to open my mind to alternative options. My best thinking got me to the doors of recovery, best I rethink some of those old ideas, plots, habits, and thoughts.

By going to meetings and listening to others share, pick up the phone to call my sponsor and other friends who I saw walking their talk, who were my courage, strength, and hope, that worked for them, could work for me.
