02-11-2018, 09:56 AM
Living Now
Hebrews 13:5 - “Be satisfied with what you have” (TLB).
How often have you said (aloud or silently), “When I finish school…” or “After I get married…” or “As soon as I get that promotion…” or “When I pay off the bills…” or “If my spouse would just shape up . . . then I’d relax and enjoy my life?”
Some of us are never really satisfied. We live in the future; longing for what might be. Our “now” is not quite good enough — yet.
Stop for a just a moment. What is the reality of your present? Why do you think it isn’t enough? Is it in your control to change it? Do you need to do something that will help you be more content with your life?
Today is Life’s stepping stone to tomorrow. Today is a gift from God, worth enjoying or grieving. Several years ago I realized this truth and wrote the following words in my journal: “JCW, don’t live in the future, always waiting; longing for what is not. Be satisfied and thankful for what is. Accept reality as a basis for continued growth. Stop fearing the present, wishing for different circumstances, dreaming of a future which may never be. Live now.”
Lord, some things I can change.
Others are not in my power to control.
Help me know the difference and enjoy life now.
Joan C. Webb
Hebrews 13:5 - “Be satisfied with what you have” (TLB).
How often have you said (aloud or silently), “When I finish school…” or “After I get married…” or “As soon as I get that promotion…” or “When I pay off the bills…” or “If my spouse would just shape up . . . then I’d relax and enjoy my life?”
Some of us are never really satisfied. We live in the future; longing for what might be. Our “now” is not quite good enough — yet.
Stop for a just a moment. What is the reality of your present? Why do you think it isn’t enough? Is it in your control to change it? Do you need to do something that will help you be more content with your life?
Today is Life’s stepping stone to tomorrow. Today is a gift from God, worth enjoying or grieving. Several years ago I realized this truth and wrote the following words in my journal: “JCW, don’t live in the future, always waiting; longing for what is not. Be satisfied and thankful for what is. Accept reality as a basis for continued growth. Stop fearing the present, wishing for different circumstances, dreaming of a future which may never be. Live now.”
Lord, some things I can change.
Others are not in my power to control.
Help me know the difference and enjoy life now.
Joan C. Webb