View Full Version : I take right action, guided by the all-knowing mind of God

01-25-2018, 09:28 AM
Right Action
I take right action, guided by the all-knowing mind of God.

To take right action, I must first get into alignment with the inner light that will guide my way. Establishing my connection with the intuitive guidance within means getting in tune with it.

How can I best lift myself out of my everyday thoughts and plant myself firmly into my “rightful mind”? What can I do to bring myself into line with the spiritual part of me that already knows what to do?

Right now, I breathe and relax into a feeling of trust, an inner knowing that I am being guided into right action. Whatever judgment I may have had about my situation, I set it aside and stay in touch with the awareness that I am being guided. I am on the right track because I am in tune with God Mind within me.
Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.—1 John 3:18

Daily Word