View Full Version : Watching

10-23-2013, 10:02 AM

You can slowly change your life by watching how others live. Would you like to become more patient? Watch a patient person and observe what he or she does. If you like what you see, you can assimilate the behavior into your own life, and slowly learn how to become a patient person. The method of watching works for any of the virtues that you might want to incorporate into your life. You simply have to search for the role models whose virtues you would like to make your own.

The reverse, of course, is also true. You can be influenced by negative role models. But even here, something can be learned. If you are repelled by morally deficient role models, you may be strengthened in choosing the contrasting good.

Above all, watch Jesus as his life unfolds before you in scripture. Paying attention to his values and loving his goodness, you begin to experience that his values gradually become yours. Watching carefully and encountering Jesus in quiet prayer, you find help and encouragement in becoming the person you want to be.

Open my eyes, Lord, that I might watch and learn from you and from others. May my attentive watching reveal to me the goodness in others, and help me in becoming the person you created me to be.

Focus Your Day

10-24-2013, 09:02 AM
Each morning, I pray for awareness, clarity, self-honesty and willingness. I pray that I look in instead of outside of myself. I pray and ask that any walls, blocks, and barriers be removed, that prevents me from having an Inner Knowing, and enables me to walk with my God and connect to Him.

As a spiritual adviser once said to me, "When the time is right, you will know. If you don't know, then the time is not right. Don't question yourself. When you question yourself, you are not trusting your God."

Watch, listen and learn, and wait on the message, don't listen for the one you want but the one that is God given. As I was told, God answers prayer three ways, "Yes," "No," and"You got to be kidding."