View Full Version : P-O-W-E-R Day 8: Organize

01-09-2018, 08:21 AM
P-O-W-E-R Day 8: Organize by SGLY Ministry


Today’s Scripture: But be sure that everything is done properly and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40 NLT

Today’s Thought:
Things always go better if we are organized.
Take some time today to focus on organizing your life.
Re-read your goals.
Determine your priorities.
Plan and prepare to do what is necessary to get your life in order.

Today’s Prayer:
Dear God,
I want my life to reflect You, therefore I want to be organized so that I can do things in order of importance.
Help me God, to set my priorities so that I can have order in my daily life.
I want to be a good servant of the time You give me here on earth, so today I ask for Your wisdom and strength in getting myself organized.

Today’s Action:

Set priorities
Put your life in order