View Full Version : Intentions

01-03-2018, 09:06 AM
Divine nature allows us to fulfill our goals and intentions.

Typically the new year is a time to consider the goals we will attempt throughout the next 12 months. So we ask ourselves, What are my intentions? What do I hope to accomplish? Do I have time and energy to see these into fruition?

Whichever goals we decide upon, we can pursue them systematically. Any journey begins with a plan or a map, so we should consider the steps we need to take to move forward purposefully. If a roadblock should appear, we can regroup and refocus, then navigate around it or adjust our course as necessary.

The more we understand God’s presence in the goals-fulfillment process and how our divine nature allows us to be our best, the stronger our resolve and success rate will be.

When you walk, your step will not be hampered; and if you run, you will not stumble.—Proverbs 4:12

Daily Word