View Full Version : Receive

12-23-2017, 10:16 AM

I allow the gifts of Spirit to fill my heart.

I may find it easier to be a giver than a receiver. Today I choose to open my heart to unconditionally receive life’s tremendous gifts.

God’s treasures can be found wherever I go—in the generous acts and kind words by others, through the affection of animals, and through the beauty of nature and art.

I allow myself to fully accept God’s bounty into my heart not because of anything I have done, but because of who I am—a worthy child of God. I joyfully give thanks for the realization that I am a spiritual being, one with Universal Spirit.

God loves me. I allow this revelation to sink in and fill my heart. This is the greatest gift I can ever receive, and I humbly accept it.
My people shall be satisfied with my bounty, says the Lord.—Jeremiah 31:14

Daily Word