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12-13-2017, 11:00 AM
“Hark! A Thrilling New Voice” (ELW 246)

Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding!
"Christ is near," we hear it say.
"Cast away the works of darkness,
all you children of the day!"

Wakened by the solemn warning,
from earth's bondage let us rise;
Christ, our sun, all sloth dispelling,
shines upon the morning skies.

See the Lamb, so long expected,
come with pardon down from heav'n.
Let us haste, with tears of sorrow,
one and all, to be forgiv'n;

So, when next he comes in glory
and the world is wrapped in fear,
he will shield us with his mercy
and with words of love draw near.

Honor, glory, might, and blessing
to the Father and the Son
with the everlasting Spirit
while unending ages run!

Christ is near! Right now and throughout the day I can boldly stand in God's daylight. I have nothing to hide. I no longer need to feel trapped by the dysfunction within and around me. I no longer need to numb myself to the truth into which God is calling me. I've been forgiven and healed. I've been freed from all that would wrap me in fear and dread. I've been shielded by God's mercy and words of love. I can cast off all thoughts and activities that would keep me from living in the spacious glory of God's creative light and life. I now can embody genuine love, truthful speech and the power of God with others. Yes, right now and throughout the day my very body, with all its vulnerabilities, can be a place where Christ, my sun, dispels my sloth and shines upon the morning skies. Christ is near!

Come, Lord Jesus, into my life today. Give me the power to live in the spacious glory of your creative light and life. Amen.

Lois Malcolm