View Full Version : Patience

12-02-2017, 03:56 AM

I am patient and confident, for I know God is at work in my life.

Living in an age of rapid communication—text messages, live news broadcasts, and more—is convenient. Yet, when I have to wait for other things, such as a package to arrive, or the work week to finish, patience is necessary. A seed cannot be rushed no matter how eager or how fervently I long to taste its fruit.

If I find myself impatient or forcing an outcome, I pause to observe my intentions and actions. I rekindle my faith by shifting my attention toward confidence in God’s perfect timing. I remind myself that things will work out in the right time and the right way.

Patience gives me peace of mind in my daily activities and for my long-term goals and dreams.
These are the ones who, when they hear the word ... bear fruit with patient endurance.—Luke 8:15

Daily Word