View Full Version : In the midst of all that is happening, God remains faithful and present

11-14-2017, 08:17 AM
Mark 13:1-8

Growing up in southern California in the late '70s, '80s and early '90s, I experienced several earthquakes (including a big one at 4:32 in the morning!), and I also remember water rationing during an extended drought. So the words toward the end of Mark's Gospel lesson for today come alive for me in a very personal way.

Jesus is speaking in metaphors in today's reading, letting you and me know that life is not always going to be easy. In fact, there will be moments where life is just plain hard, and we will doubt and question everything about and around us. Yet, Jesus also affirms that the kingdom of God is at hand. Jesus is in our very presence. In the midst of all that is happening, God remains faithful and present--walking with you and me in all of the moments of life--even in the moments when it seems everything is falling apart. The cross and empty tomb proclaim to you, me, and the world, that God has indeed triumphed and will not finish the work of redemption until the final day when all will be raised. Until then, we live in God's grace, for the sake of the world, and claim that grace in our lives--in all that is, was, and is to come.

In the midst of daily life, O God, make your presence known to me. As I walk in daily life, O God, remind me of your footprints right next to mine. In the moments that I cannot understand, O God, bring me a sense of your presence as I try to make sense of all that is happening around me. Remind me, O God, of your faithfulness to me and to the world through your Son's death and resurrection. Amen.

Scott McAnally