View Full Version : Blessings Abound: Blessings From Around

11-13-2017, 07:51 AM
Today's Turning Point with David Jeremiah

Blessings Abound: Blessings From Around

Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:21

Recommended Reading
Psalm 107:33-43 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+107%3a33-43&version=NKJV

Just when you think poetry has gone out of style, someone quotes a stanza that expresses just the right thoughts in the right way. For example, in an old book of poetry, there’s this verse by Mark Bullock on the subject of thanksgiving: “When you ask God in the morning / For His guidance through the day, / Thank Him for the many blessings / He in love has sent your way. / When you’re asking aid from Heaven, / Mingle with your morning prayer / A word of praise and gratitude / For all His kindly care.”

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When you learn to do this, it becomes a very practical habit. When washing the dishes, thank God for hot water. When taking your medicine, thank Him for your doctor and for advanced medical technology. When grabbing a shopping cart at the grocery, thank Him for the abundance of food in the store. When dressing in the morning, thank Him for providing your clothing. When retiring at night, thank Him for the blessings of darkness and moonlight; and upon arising, thank Him for awakening you to a new day. Blessings abound, so thank God for scattering them all around you!

When you send up your petition / To the Throne of Grace on High, / Thank Him for the many favors / That His mercy does supply.
Mark Bullock

Acts 8 – 11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=acts+8+%e2%80%93+11&version=NKJV