11-12-2017, 07:33 AM
Strength Comes With Waiting
Isaiah 40:28-31
Exhaustion is a by-product of overcommitted schedules and never-ending responsibilities. In an effort to accomplish all that is expected, we often try to move faster and cram in more by multitasking. But in the process, we end up emotionally and physically fatigued. The Lord offers a radically different mode of living and grants renewed strength and stamina.
Those who wait upon the Lord are promised His supernatural energy. In fact, Scripture says it will surpass the natural strength and endurance of the young. Access to this divine power is achieved not by moving faster but by going slower—stopping to take time to focus on the Father, seek His direction, and ask for His strength to accomplish what He is calling you to do.
Earlier in my life, I wore myself out by impatiently pushing ahead, trying to do ministry in my own way and my own time. Since then, I have learned that when I pause and humble myself, admitting that I have no strength without Him, the Lord sustains me with both emotional and spiritual energy. There is no earthly explanation for what God is willing and able to do in a yielded human being. His Holy Spirit is like the wind beneath our wings, enabling us to soar like eagles.
The next time you are at the point of exhaustion, take some time to focus on the Lord. Are you walking in step with Him, or have you gone ahead on your own? Align your pace with His, taking the time to rest when He wants you to, and receive the energy He freely offers to those who walk obediently in His will.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Exhaustion is a by-product of overcommitted schedules and never-ending responsibilities. In an effort to accomplish all that is expected, we often try to move faster and cram in more by multitasking. But in the process, we end up emotionally and physically fatigued. The Lord offers a radically different mode of living and grants renewed strength and stamina.
Those who wait upon the Lord are promised His supernatural energy. In fact, Scripture says it will surpass the natural strength and endurance of the young. Access to this divine power is achieved not by moving faster but by going slower—stopping to take time to focus on the Father, seek His direction, and ask for His strength to accomplish what He is calling you to do.
Earlier in my life, I wore myself out by impatiently pushing ahead, trying to do ministry in my own way and my own time. Since then, I have learned that when I pause and humble myself, admitting that I have no strength without Him, the Lord sustains me with both emotional and spiritual energy. There is no earthly explanation for what God is willing and able to do in a yielded human being. His Holy Spirit is like the wind beneath our wings, enabling us to soar like eagles.
The next time you are at the point of exhaustion, take some time to focus on the Lord. Are you walking in step with Him, or have you gone ahead on your own? Align your pace with His, taking the time to rest when He wants you to, and receive the energy He freely offers to those who walk obediently in His will.