View Full Version : P-A-C-E yourself each morning

11-07-2017, 07:46 AM
“Be still, and know that I am God.” --Psalm 46:10

Before his death, my friend Dr. Adrian Rogers shared with me and a few other associates his personal approach to spending time with the Lord each morning. He used a simple acrostic based on the letters P-A-C-E to walk through four meaningful steps of time with God.

It’s a wonderful way for you to start your day with the Lord, and I hope you will try and make it a part of your daily time with him. Here are the four steps to P-A-C-E:

“P” is for Praise:
Begin by praising God and thanking him. Know that he is God! Praise him for his goodness and for his love. Thank him for meeting your needs.

“A” is for Acceptance:
Just hold your hands open before the Lord and say, “Lord, I accept what the Scripture says about me.” He is your father, you are his child, and he loves you.

“C” is for Control:
Now just turn your hands over as if to bow gently before God, saying, “Lord, I give you control of my life.” Release every care to him.

“E” is for Expectancy:
Now look with expectancy to God. Let him buoy your confidence and your trust and your strength in him. Tell him that you trust him with your life.

P-A-C-E yourself each morning and you will be blessed with the wonderful joy of God’s presence!

Let God set the pace of your day.

Jack Graham

11-10-2017, 12:39 AM
Love that verse. We do need to find the stillness and quiet to communicate with our God. We get caught up in busy and his words go unheeded many times, because we can't hear for our internal chatter.