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11-06-2017, 08:08 AM
The Best Plan

"That dog is getting on my nerves," grumbled Hailey before leaving for school. "I wish we didn't have to take care of him while the Carlsons are on vacation. He barks and barks and barks!"

"At least you go to school and don't have to hear to him all day," replied Mom with a grin. "Max isn't used to being tied. The Carlsons have several acres where he can run freely, and I don't think he likes doing things our way."

"Well, he should be grateful that we tie him up and protect him from traffic, but all he does is bark," grumbled Hailey.

"Max is a dog, honey," said Mom. "He can't think like humans do."

"Then he should just trust us," replied Hailey crossly. She opened the door. "Be quiet!" she yelled at the barking animal as she left for school.

That evening, Hailey was so unhappy about her day that she didn't even notice Max's barking. "I didn't get picked for the All-State Chorus," she said, almost in tears. "I think I have a good voice-and I even prayed about it. I think I should have been chosen."

"You do have a good voice, and I'm sorry you didn't make it, honey," sympathized Dad, giving her a hug. "Try to remember that God is directing your life even though you may not understand His reasons for what happens."

"I sure don't understand why He let this happen to me," complained Hailey, "and I don't like it."

"That's because you're thinking like a human and not like our perfect God," replied Dad.

Mom nodded. "This morning, you said Max should stop barking and accept our decision to tie him up-to trust us even though he doesn't like what we do, remember?" Frowning, Hailey nodded. "Since Max is a dog and can't reason the way we do, he doesn't understand that being tied up is what's best for him," continued Mom. "On the other hand, we aren't able to reason the way God does. His thoughts and His ways are better than ours, so we often don't understand why He allows certain things to happen. We need to recognize that God's plan is best, and stop 'barking'-stop grumbling. We can trust Him to do what is best for us even when we don't understand."

HOW ABOUT YOU? Do you get frustrated when things don't go your way? Remember that humans don't think the way God does, and He doesn't ask you to understand His perfect reasoning. When things don't happen the way you wish they would, simply trust God anyway, knowing that His plan for your life is perfect.

TODAY'S KEY VERSE: My ways (are) higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9
Keys For Kids Devotion