10-31-2017, 07:23 AM
How God Works
Genesis 45:3-8 (
God has been at work since verse one of the Bible, and He is still orchestrating events involving nations, families, and individuals. While He uniquely tailors His plan for individual lives, our Father wants all people to come to saving faith. And He works to conform every Christian to His Son’s image.
Transforming believers into reflections of Jesus is a long process of small changes, which means God’s work may at times seem slow to us. The Lord assured Abraham he’d be the father of nations, but he had to wait decades for the promised son (Gen. 15:1-5 ( Even though God was at work the entire time, Abraham must have wondered if the pledge had been forgotten. God’s patient timing lets Him coordinate every detail perfectly.
Believers like to share stories about the Lord’s dramatic intervention in their lives. Knowing that He provides, rescues, or heals is exciting and reassuring. But He also works in ways that may seem inconsequential. For example, upon arriving in Egypt, Joseph was just a menial servant in Potiphar’s household—yet this was his first step toward becoming the country’s second-in-command (Gen. 39:1-4; Gen. 41:41 ( God has a purpose for everything that comes into our life—including friendships, jobs, situations, and conversations. Nothing is trivial.
If you want to experience God in action, you don’t have to wait for Him to do something big in your life. Be attentive, because every day is an opportunity to see Him at work. Get into His Word so you can understand how He has acted in the lives of others. Then watch for His involvement in your own.
Genesis 45:3-8 (
God has been at work since verse one of the Bible, and He is still orchestrating events involving nations, families, and individuals. While He uniquely tailors His plan for individual lives, our Father wants all people to come to saving faith. And He works to conform every Christian to His Son’s image.
Transforming believers into reflections of Jesus is a long process of small changes, which means God’s work may at times seem slow to us. The Lord assured Abraham he’d be the father of nations, but he had to wait decades for the promised son (Gen. 15:1-5 ( Even though God was at work the entire time, Abraham must have wondered if the pledge had been forgotten. God’s patient timing lets Him coordinate every detail perfectly.
Believers like to share stories about the Lord’s dramatic intervention in their lives. Knowing that He provides, rescues, or heals is exciting and reassuring. But He also works in ways that may seem inconsequential. For example, upon arriving in Egypt, Joseph was just a menial servant in Potiphar’s household—yet this was his first step toward becoming the country’s second-in-command (Gen. 39:1-4; Gen. 41:41 ( God has a purpose for everything that comes into our life—including friendships, jobs, situations, and conversations. Nothing is trivial.
If you want to experience God in action, you don’t have to wait for Him to do something big in your life. Be attentive, because every day is an opportunity to see Him at work. Get into His Word so you can understand how He has acted in the lives of others. Then watch for His involvement in your own.