10-30-2017, 06:26 AM
Sisters in Christ Worldwide
We often think of ourselves as having little faith, or being inadequate in our faith journey. Yet, how large is a mustard seed?
We read in Matthew 17:20. (AMP)…”He said to them. Because of your faith [that is your lack of firmly relying trust]. For truly I say to you, if you have faith [that is living] like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain. Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you…”
So often we look at others and think they have a lot more faith. But Jesus said that even a tiny amount of trust in Him could allow us to do incredible things. We can move mountains and speak the world in our small voice with the power of the Lord.
Do we limit ourselves? I find myself in awe of the SUPER mom/grandmother who seems to do it all. Chairs all the committees at church, provides everything imaginable for her family, looks like she just stepped out of a fashion catalog, and is the poster child for Christianity. How can I possibly do anything that will not be overshadowed by her presence, and how on earth could I even expect to. First of all, I need to remind myself that it’s not a competition. God is not picking a winner; He is only asking that we use what he gave us to spread His word and love. Secondly, I must not underestimate the power of “my mustard seed”. I may not organize a state wide campaign to promote women’s ministries, but I can minister to that woman who is struggling with a life full of stress and strife. Touching another person’s life is a privilege given to us by our Father. He presents the opportunity, we can do the rest.
There are times when I have no idea what to do. I recently visited with a young mother whose 3 year old daughter is struggling with daily seizures. I was blessed with relatively healthy children, and have always said that I didn’t think I could deal with a situation such as this. I was speechless, embarrassed because I didn’t know what to do or say and very uncomfortable. So… I just gave her a hug… a real hug with that extra squeeze at the end that says “I care about you”. I went on with my day, and continued to feel inadequate in my Christian abilities. Later that week, that woman announced to a large group. “…and most of all I want to give thanks for a hug I received this week. It came at a time when I was about to quit, and it gave me the strength to go on” That little gesture, pretty much given in a moment of not knowing what to do, had made a huge difference in the life of a very special woman caring for an even more special child. Her response also gave me the courage to continue to interact with others, even when I am at a loss. God’s message to me.
We have a whole pocket full of mustard seeds. Don’t be afraid to sow yours.
Submitted by Claudia Little
Jesus is willing to bless you…The question is are you ready to receive His blessings? Are you in the right position to have it? If you obey and follow Jesus, you will never be disappointed. ~Melena Mendoza
Good Morning Lord, We come to you as gardeners this morning. We ask that you give us the courage to plant that mustard seed, and realize our abilities to nurture and care for it. Please grant us the ability to recognize opportunities, and the strength to enter into situations where we share your Love. As always Lord, be with those who are hurting; emotionally, physically and mentally May they feel Your hand upon their shoulders. You are the Healer, the Comforter and the Almighty Power. Amen
We often think of ourselves as having little faith, or being inadequate in our faith journey. Yet, how large is a mustard seed?
We read in Matthew 17:20. (AMP)…”He said to them. Because of your faith [that is your lack of firmly relying trust]. For truly I say to you, if you have faith [that is living] like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain. Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you…”
So often we look at others and think they have a lot more faith. But Jesus said that even a tiny amount of trust in Him could allow us to do incredible things. We can move mountains and speak the world in our small voice with the power of the Lord.
Do we limit ourselves? I find myself in awe of the SUPER mom/grandmother who seems to do it all. Chairs all the committees at church, provides everything imaginable for her family, looks like she just stepped out of a fashion catalog, and is the poster child for Christianity. How can I possibly do anything that will not be overshadowed by her presence, and how on earth could I even expect to. First of all, I need to remind myself that it’s not a competition. God is not picking a winner; He is only asking that we use what he gave us to spread His word and love. Secondly, I must not underestimate the power of “my mustard seed”. I may not organize a state wide campaign to promote women’s ministries, but I can minister to that woman who is struggling with a life full of stress and strife. Touching another person’s life is a privilege given to us by our Father. He presents the opportunity, we can do the rest.
There are times when I have no idea what to do. I recently visited with a young mother whose 3 year old daughter is struggling with daily seizures. I was blessed with relatively healthy children, and have always said that I didn’t think I could deal with a situation such as this. I was speechless, embarrassed because I didn’t know what to do or say and very uncomfortable. So… I just gave her a hug… a real hug with that extra squeeze at the end that says “I care about you”. I went on with my day, and continued to feel inadequate in my Christian abilities. Later that week, that woman announced to a large group. “…and most of all I want to give thanks for a hug I received this week. It came at a time when I was about to quit, and it gave me the strength to go on” That little gesture, pretty much given in a moment of not knowing what to do, had made a huge difference in the life of a very special woman caring for an even more special child. Her response also gave me the courage to continue to interact with others, even when I am at a loss. God’s message to me.
We have a whole pocket full of mustard seeds. Don’t be afraid to sow yours.
Submitted by Claudia Little
Jesus is willing to bless you…The question is are you ready to receive His blessings? Are you in the right position to have it? If you obey and follow Jesus, you will never be disappointed. ~Melena Mendoza
Good Morning Lord, We come to you as gardeners this morning. We ask that you give us the courage to plant that mustard seed, and realize our abilities to nurture and care for it. Please grant us the ability to recognize opportunities, and the strength to enter into situations where we share your Love. As always Lord, be with those who are hurting; emotionally, physically and mentally May they feel Your hand upon their shoulders. You are the Healer, the Comforter and the Almighty Power. Amen