10-21-2017, 12:07 AM
History Lesson
A doctors visit to ease the pain,
How many prescriptions are written in vain.
Oxys, perc, vics, opioids of your choice,
Were given out as long as you had a voice.
The pill mills finally got shut down,
Soon after Heroin moved in to town.
Cheap and strong the vacuum got filled,
Tragic how many were getting killed.
Heroin now has a back seat,
Fentanayl is now the new treat.
Heroin on steroids is the lore,
Sadly more are dying than before.
A new player is entering the game,
Carfentanil is it's name.
It has no use for man or woman,
Just one spec and you are done!
Father of Nicholas Jordan Di Marc
A doctors visit to ease the pain,
How many prescriptions are written in vain.
Oxys, perc, vics, opioids of your choice,
Were given out as long as you had a voice.
The pill mills finally got shut down,
Soon after Heroin moved in to town.
Cheap and strong the vacuum got filled,
Tragic how many were getting killed.
Heroin now has a back seat,
Fentanayl is now the new treat.
Heroin on steroids is the lore,
Sadly more are dying than before.
A new player is entering the game,
Carfentanil is it's name.
It has no use for man or woman,
Just one spec and you are done!
Father of Nicholas Jordan Di Marc