09-24-2017, 08:15 AM
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26
Let us pray: Our Father in heaven, thank you for this time together at your presence Lord. Thank you for every one of us gathered here in your name Lord. We are here seeking the new heart and new spirit you have promised us Lord.
Some of us come with a heavy heart this morning Lord. Some of us have a hardened heart Lord. Some of us are fearful Lord. Some of us are shameful Lord. Some of us are feeble at heart Lord. Some of us have heart disease Lord. We submit all of us at your feet Lord.
Your Word promises us that you will give us a new heart Lord. Please grant us one Lord. To each one of us Lord.
Give us a heart of flesh, sensitive to your touch, completely healed, forgiven, loved and filled up to the rim and overflowing with your love and grace Lord. Please mold us Lord. Please make us Lord. And use us for your glory Lord.
Please heal those among us who have been diagnosed with physical heart conditions Lord. Please touch them and heal them this very minute Lord. Let them feel your arms embracing them this very minute Lord. Let them sense your presence fill their rooms this very minute Lord. Let them experience the power of your hands reaching out to them this very minute Lord. Please heal them Lord. Please touch them Lord. Remove all the pain Lord. Completely heal them Lord.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Savior. Thank you Holy Spirit. We love you and praise you and glorify your name Lord. In Jesus Christ's most powerful name we pray, Amen!
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Coffee with Jesus
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26
Let us pray: Our Father in heaven, thank you for this time together at your presence Lord. Thank you for every one of us gathered here in your name Lord. We are here seeking the new heart and new spirit you have promised us Lord.
Some of us come with a heavy heart this morning Lord. Some of us have a hardened heart Lord. Some of us are fearful Lord. Some of us are shameful Lord. Some of us are feeble at heart Lord. Some of us have heart disease Lord. We submit all of us at your feet Lord.
Your Word promises us that you will give us a new heart Lord. Please grant us one Lord. To each one of us Lord.
Give us a heart of flesh, sensitive to your touch, completely healed, forgiven, loved and filled up to the rim and overflowing with your love and grace Lord. Please mold us Lord. Please make us Lord. And use us for your glory Lord.
Please heal those among us who have been diagnosed with physical heart conditions Lord. Please touch them and heal them this very minute Lord. Let them feel your arms embracing them this very minute Lord. Let them sense your presence fill their rooms this very minute Lord. Let them experience the power of your hands reaching out to them this very minute Lord. Please heal them Lord. Please touch them Lord. Remove all the pain Lord. Completely heal them Lord.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Savior. Thank you Holy Spirit. We love you and praise you and glorify your name Lord. In Jesus Christ's most powerful name we pray, Amen!
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Coffee with Jesus