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09-16-2017, 09:34 AM
One Man’s Influence

So shall I have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in Your word. Psalm 119:42

Recommended Reading
Psalm 119:41-48 [ http://iz3.me/dKCd2zeTx1A1 ]

If you own a Bible in your native language, you can thank William Tyndale, who yielded his life for the principle of translating Scripture. Tyndale was born near the end of the 1400s, attended both Oxford and Cambridge, and fell in love with the Scripture. He determined to make the Bible available in English, but such a project was illegal in England. Fleeing to Germany, Tyndale worked on his translation of the New Testament. Copies were smuggled back into England, and Tyndale went to work on the Old Testament. He was betrayed, arrested, strangled, and burned at the stake. His Bible was banned, but its influence was irreversible. Ninety percent of his words and phrases were passed into the King James Version, published in 1611.

Listen to Today's Radio Message
[ http://iz3.me/eKCd2zeTx1A1 ]

One person’s dedication to God’s calling can make a difference for multitudes. We might not live to see our legacy, and only in heaven will we learn how greatly God used us on earth. The full calculations won’t be tabulated until the Lord returns. “Therefore … be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

If God spares my life, before many years pass, I will make it possible for a boy behind the plow to know more Scripture than you do.
William Tyndale to a critic

Hosea 10-14 [ http://iz3.me/fKCd2zeTx1A1 ]