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09-12-2017, 07:44 AM
God can fill your empty nets by Alive to God

God can take the very same nets that came up empty under our own initiative and fill them when we are operating under His instruction and in His presence. God can take what is empty and fill it up to overflowing. This may appear to be just a side story when seen in conjunction with the big picture of Jesus and the difference His presence made in this situation. But may we never lose site of the wonderful fact that because of Jesus these empty nets were filled. There is nothing worse for a fisherman than empty nets!

Recently my brother went fishing with his son. They fished for 4 hours and caught nothing, not even a nibble or a bite. When he got home he called me and told me what an utter waste of time it had been. I reminded him that at least he got to spend that time with his son, doing something that his son loves to do.

Perhaps there is an ’empty net’ in your life? Something that you had really hoped would work, something that you put great effort and energy into and yet it never brought the reward you had hoped or seen others achieve with much less effort? Remember it is the Lord who fills the empty nets, if we will call on Him and follow His instructions. Give Him your ’empty nets’ today!