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09-11-2017, 09:31 AM
Something Good

And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good (suitable, pleasant) and He approved it completely. - Genesis 1:31

Everything God made is good; in fact, according to today's scripture, it's "very good." Since He created you, He calls you "very good," and I wonder if you can say the same about yourself. Many people do not think there is anything good about them, but that contradicts God's Word.

The Bible asks an important question in Amos 3:3 Can two walk together unless they are agreed? (NKJV). If we want to walk with God, we must agree with Him. He says He loves us and accepts us. We need to agree with Him by loving and accepting ourselves.

To accept ourselves does not mean that we're going to approve of everything we do. We may still do things that frustrate us or dis¬please God, but we don't have to reject ourselves because of them. God doesn't. When we accept ourselves, we can begin working on those things with God's help, confident in the fact that He loves us.

When we don't accept ourselves, we fall into self-rejection. Rejection actually multiplies our problems. People who reject themselves feel something is wrong with them. They see only their flaws and weaknesses, not their beauty and strength. This is an unbalanced attitude that doesn't agree with God's truth.

You can choose to accept yourself or you can choose to reject yourself. You can also choose whether or not to agree with God and see yourself as "very good." I know from experience that agreeing with God is always the best choice!

Love Yourself Today: Lord, I choose to agree that everything You have made is good—including me!

From the book Love Out Loud by Joyce Meyer.