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08-23-2017, 06:01 AM
Today's Turning Point with David Jeremiah

A Lifetime’s Journey

Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, and how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?
Job 26:14

Recommended Reading
Job 37:4-5 [ http://iz3.me/2LSG3zeTx1A1 ]

It happens the first time a visitor walks up to the edge of the Grand Canyon in Arizona or stands at the base of a giant redwood tree in northern California. It also happens when people enter St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome or when people see an ocean for the first time: “I had no idea!”

Listen to Today's Radio Message
[ http://iz3.me/5LSG3zeTx1A1 ]

We can see pictures and hear others’ descriptions, but until we’ve experienced things ourselves we are just nibbling at the edge; we are hearing just a whisper of the truth. That’s how Job described trying to know God even after knowing Him! Job knew the works of God firsthand; he described them in detail in Job 26. Yet in spite of his firsthand knowledge, his conclusion was one of futility: “These are the mere edges of His ways” (verse 14). But rather than discourage us about knowing God, it should encourage us! If what we know of God in creation, in Christ, and by His Word and Spirit is just the “edge” and a “whisper,” think how much more there is to discover. And think how much greater are His abilities and resources than what we have even experienced.

Let the greatness of God spur you to know Him better—the journey of a lifetime.

The larger the God we know, the larger will be our faith.
A. B. Simpson

Lamentations 1 – 2 [ http://iz3.me/7LSG3zeTx1A1 ]