08-18-2017, 12:11 AM
Feel your emotions
"The key is to not resist or rebel against emotions or to try to get around them by devising all sorts of tricks; but to accept them directly, as they are."
-- Takahisa Kora
Don't let emotions push you into action or reaction. Just STOP and PAY ATTENTION. Allow them to be and to speak to you. Once they are acknowledged, their energy is released.
"Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance."
-- Deepak Chopra
"We have to become more conscious of our feeling-world. By learning to identify the ‘emotional baggage’ and manage our feeling-world reactions, we can view life based on current information instead of being held captive by our past."
-- Doc Childre
"Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge."
-- Audre Lorde
In recovery, I found that a lot of feelings in today were often compounded interest from things that happened a long time ago in my childhood. Often they were the result of false evidence appear real, often based on a false sense of pride and responsibility and not mine to take on, and the feelings were more acute as a result of many years of stuffing.
Buried resentments, abandonment issues, rejection and hurt feelings can lead to a lot of pain and insecurity.
Emotions are energy in motion. They bring us information if we are willing to experience them. Unfortunately, many of us are afraid of the energy of emotions and so we automatically resist them. And when we refuse to experience our emotions, we block them up. They become trapped and that entrapment drains our energy and brings continuing discomfort.
As they say, we have to feel the feelings in order to let them go. I stuffed from a very early age, and they came up one by one, layer by layer. I can remember saying to my sponsor, "Didn't we do this before." She said, "Yes, but they do come again. It was really difficult for me to label my feelings. People would say, they suffered anxiety. I thought it sounded kind of whoosy; and laughed to cover up the pain of course. They would describe how they felt, and I would think, "I have felt like that." So it is good to share, so others can identify with you, you just might be their mirror.
"Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance."
-- Deepak Chopra
"The key is to not resist or rebel against emotions or to try to get around them by devising all sorts of tricks; but to accept them directly, as they are."
-- Takahisa Kora
Don't let emotions push you into action or reaction. Just STOP and PAY ATTENTION. Allow them to be and to speak to you. Once they are acknowledged, their energy is released.
"Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance."
-- Deepak Chopra
"We have to become more conscious of our feeling-world. By learning to identify the ‘emotional baggage’ and manage our feeling-world reactions, we can view life based on current information instead of being held captive by our past."
-- Doc Childre
"Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge."
-- Audre Lorde
In recovery, I found that a lot of feelings in today were often compounded interest from things that happened a long time ago in my childhood. Often they were the result of false evidence appear real, often based on a false sense of pride and responsibility and not mine to take on, and the feelings were more acute as a result of many years of stuffing.
Buried resentments, abandonment issues, rejection and hurt feelings can lead to a lot of pain and insecurity.
Emotions are energy in motion. They bring us information if we are willing to experience them. Unfortunately, many of us are afraid of the energy of emotions and so we automatically resist them. And when we refuse to experience our emotions, we block them up. They become trapped and that entrapment drains our energy and brings continuing discomfort.
As they say, we have to feel the feelings in order to let them go. I stuffed from a very early age, and they came up one by one, layer by layer. I can remember saying to my sponsor, "Didn't we do this before." She said, "Yes, but they do come again. It was really difficult for me to label my feelings. People would say, they suffered anxiety. I thought it sounded kind of whoosy; and laughed to cover up the pain of course. They would describe how they felt, and I would think, "I have felt like that." So it is good to share, so others can identify with you, you just might be their mirror.
"Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance."
-- Deepak Chopra