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08-16-2017, 05:10 AM
I'm an alcoholic, my name is Amy. I've been reading Daily Recovery Readings for about three years now. Not too big on posting & got a notification to introduce myself, so here it is! Just coming back after a relapse, picked up my thirty day chip Sunday. Had five years & decided to get high. Stayed out for 10 months & God intervened once again. The struggle is real! :170:

08-16-2017, 05:53 AM
Hi Amy! :17: It is so great to hear from you. Congratulations on 30 days! :29: Keep taking it a day at a time and keep coming and sharing with us. Have a great Wednesday! :42:

08-17-2017, 02:46 AM
Welcome Amy, so glad you signed in. Congratulations on 3 months. What didn`t you do the last time, start doing in today. Me I start my day with I`m and addict, and just for today I choose not to use. I can`t use safely. My God can help me, and I invite my Higher Power into my day.

Keep coming, so you don`t have to come back.
