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08-14-2017, 07:45 AM
Let Go, Let God
I let go and let my next steps be revealed by Spirit.

Are there times when I have held on to a limited vision of what I think a perfect solution should be? Perhaps I dwell in a pattern of worry or am afraid to loosen control.

Letting go and letting God does not mean I will not be involved. Rather, it means I am open to divine ideas beyond my current perspective. It means I can ease my mind and let my next steps be revealed through my Higher Self. It is realizing there is an entire ocean of possibility beyond the small cove I can see through my mind’s window.

I gently hold my heartfelt intention in mind and pray for this or some greater plan to be revealed. I stay faith-filled, knowing my prayers are answered in the right time and perfect way. God’s will for me is only good.
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.—Proverbs 16:3

Daily Word