08-05-2017, 07:12 AM
I relax as I experience God’s perfect peace.
Rest and renewal are a necessity, not a luxury. No matter how full my schedule, I make rest a priority. Each day, I carve out time for physical and spiritual renewal. It makes all the difference in whether I feel God’s peace throughout my day!
I trust that life never gives me more than I can handle. Relaxing into this truth, I breathe deep and release any tension I might be holding in my body. Likewise, I relinquish any mental activities that are stressing my mind. Letting go of any concern about the past or the future, I rest fully in the present moment.
Right here and now, I rest in God’s perfect peace. I am replenished and renewed in knowing that I share in God’s infinite bounty in each moment of my life.
Return, my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.—Psalm 116:7
Daily Word
I relax as I experience God’s perfect peace.
Rest and renewal are a necessity, not a luxury. No matter how full my schedule, I make rest a priority. Each day, I carve out time for physical and spiritual renewal. It makes all the difference in whether I feel God’s peace throughout my day!
I trust that life never gives me more than I can handle. Relaxing into this truth, I breathe deep and release any tension I might be holding in my body. Likewise, I relinquish any mental activities that are stressing my mind. Letting go of any concern about the past or the future, I rest fully in the present moment.
Right here and now, I rest in God’s perfect peace. I am replenished and renewed in knowing that I share in God’s infinite bounty in each moment of my life.
Return, my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.—Psalm 116:7
Daily Word