07-30-2017, 08:41 AM
My Story
I am divinely inspired to create and live a full, abundant life.
I am the author of my story. No matter what happens, I choose the meaning I give to events in my life. I see myself through divine perception: as a spiritual victor, an over-comer, and not as a victim of life’s circumstances. Inspired by Spirit, I discover deeper understanding and new gifts in myself as I move through challenges.
No part of my story limits the adventure of this day. There are no mistakes or wounds of the past that keep me from living fully now.
I forgive myself and others the errors that occur when we fall short of being our best selves. We are all doing the best we can in this moment. I am free to love, to laugh, and to fully live the abundant life I am divinely inspired to create.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.—John 10:10
Daily Word
I am divinely inspired to create and live a full, abundant life.
I am the author of my story. No matter what happens, I choose the meaning I give to events in my life. I see myself through divine perception: as a spiritual victor, an over-comer, and not as a victim of life’s circumstances. Inspired by Spirit, I discover deeper understanding and new gifts in myself as I move through challenges.
No part of my story limits the adventure of this day. There are no mistakes or wounds of the past that keep me from living fully now.
I forgive myself and others the errors that occur when we fall short of being our best selves. We are all doing the best we can in this moment. I am free to love, to laugh, and to fully live the abundant life I am divinely inspired to create.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.—John 10:10
Daily Word