View Full Version : Embracing the New Meditation

10-11-2013, 11:07 AM
Embracing the New
Meditation by Orin and DaBen
I pay attention to all the energy

about me right now.

I feel the surface I am sitting or lying on.

I hear the sounds around me.

I feel my body.

I relax my body as I

bring my awareness to it.
I center my awareness

in the present moment,

the source of my power.

My mind is clear and alert.

My emotions are flowing and serene.
I focus upon my breath.

It moves through my body

bringing me life and energy.

I follow the flow of my breath.

I bring my breath all the way

down to my feet.
I feel new energy and aliveness

touching every part of my body

with every breath I take.
I picture my spine supple and flexible.

My spine reflects my open and

flexible attitude.
I am open to new people coming into my life.

I invite new ideas into my mind.

I am willing to experience more joy

and love than I ever imagined possible.

I picture the future being positive

and wonderful.
I ask now for anything that is not

for my higher good

to release itself from me.
I ask now for anything that

represents my higher good

to come to me now.
I embrace the new.

I release the old easily

when it is no longer part

of my path and purpose.
I am willing to see the world in new ways.

I look at many different viewpoints

and remain open to new perspectives.
I open to the wonder of the world

like a child.

I see the world through new eyes

every time I look at it.

I always see something beautiful.
I trust that the world is safe

and that it is always working

FOR me and WITH me.
I release all my limits

and embrace the new.
I know that every day I am becoming

a more beautiful and perfect light.

12-26-2013, 07:51 AM
Love this, hope you don't mind me sharing it on another site. I woke up after 4 hours sleep, got the thought to come to the site, and your piece is why I had to sign in and thank you.