06-26-2017, 07:47 AM
Running the Race With Too Much Garbage
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1
Hmm..what are those things that hinder and entangle us? For those with an addiction, hurt, hang-up etc, at first glance it's a quick easy answer, right? I mean it's alcohol, or drugs, or over-eating or spending too much or always having to be right.
Sure, those things do hinder us. But, they are not the true reason. There is a reason we do these things. There is a reason we pick up the bottle at 8 in the morning while the kids are getting ready for school. There is a reason we shoot up in the middle of the work day. There is a reason we allow ourselves to be used by people over and over again.
I can't pretend to know what your issue is because it's your's to figure out. One of the best things I ever did was to take "inventory" in my life and truly figure out why I do the things I do. It is one of the steps in a traditional 12 step or Celebrate Recovery program - but you don't have to be part of a program to do this. It takes time to reflect and think about all aspects of our lives...and decide what changes we need to make. Dig deep and figure out the root causes of our addictions.
I like to race and am a competitive person. And I learned that I need to make healthy choices in order to fuel my body. But I also learned that I can't carry extra food, water and supplies - they will weigh me down. And so just as I learned how to shed this "extra" stuff to be able to race effectively we must do the same in our lives - to be healthy beings not hindered down by our addictions.
Have you shed anything lately that is hindering you? Perhaps it's time.
Recovery Box
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1
Hmm..what are those things that hinder and entangle us? For those with an addiction, hurt, hang-up etc, at first glance it's a quick easy answer, right? I mean it's alcohol, or drugs, or over-eating or spending too much or always having to be right.
Sure, those things do hinder us. But, they are not the true reason. There is a reason we do these things. There is a reason we pick up the bottle at 8 in the morning while the kids are getting ready for school. There is a reason we shoot up in the middle of the work day. There is a reason we allow ourselves to be used by people over and over again.
I can't pretend to know what your issue is because it's your's to figure out. One of the best things I ever did was to take "inventory" in my life and truly figure out why I do the things I do. It is one of the steps in a traditional 12 step or Celebrate Recovery program - but you don't have to be part of a program to do this. It takes time to reflect and think about all aspects of our lives...and decide what changes we need to make. Dig deep and figure out the root causes of our addictions.
I like to race and am a competitive person. And I learned that I need to make healthy choices in order to fuel my body. But I also learned that I can't carry extra food, water and supplies - they will weigh me down. And so just as I learned how to shed this "extra" stuff to be able to race effectively we must do the same in our lives - to be healthy beings not hindered down by our addictions.
Have you shed anything lately that is hindering you? Perhaps it's time.
Recovery Box