View Full Version : All Ears

06-16-2017, 09:22 AM
Today's Turning Point with David Jeremiah

All Ears

…looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled.
Hebrews 12:15

Recommended Reading
Matthew 5:44-48 [ http://iz3.me/IBT93zeTx1A1 ]

Motivational speaker Paul Meyer cannot remember a single time when his father forgave anyone—not even his own sister. She had immigrated to America and lived just forty miles away, but one day she made a comment about Paul’s ears being large. From that moment, Paul recalls, his dad refused to talk to her. “For 35 years, despite the fact that she lived close by and that she was my father’s only relative in this country, he never spoke to her again.”

Listen to Today's Radio Message
[ http://iz3.me/KBT93zeTx1A1 ]

If that story shocks you, remember the grudge you currently have against someone. Perhaps the offense is greater than a comment about someone’s ears. Perhaps the duration of the grudge hasn’t gone on 35 years. But whenever we harbor resentment in our hearts, a root of bitterness springs up to trouble many.

Offended pride has destroyed many friendships. If someone has offended you, tell the Lord about it, pray for the other person, ask God for the grace to forgive, and turn the anger over to the Lord. If you are angry with someone today, slay that giant with forgiveness.

Forgiveness has an uncanny way of bringing incredible good out of incredibly bad situations. It’s amazing—nothing less than a miracle.
Paul J. Meyer