View Full Version : We All Make Mistakes

06-02-2017, 07:43 AM

We all make mistakes. Sometimes we make huge ones that take a while to fix and come with a cost. Other times we may make small ones that many other people make. Mistakes so small and easily fixed we don’t think too much about them. However, no matter the mistake, we should confess it to God, seek His forgiveness and look at what we can learn from it. There is always something to learn from our mistakes and God can help us. When we mess up, we should go to God and ask Him what to do to correct it and what we can learn from it. When we learn from our mistakes, we can change for the better.

SCRIPTURE: Acts 26:20a “all must repent of their sins and turn to God—and prove they have changed by the good things they do.” (NLT)

1. List some mistakes you have made in life.
2. Write down what you have learned from them.
3. Confess any sin to God and turn from it.
4. Pray asking God to help you continue to learn from your mistakes.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we know we all make mistakes. We know we all mess up. Help us to recognize quickly and confess our mistakes to You so we can learn from them and move on. We know when we stay focused on You, we can quickly move on because You will help us. We know when we stay in Your word, we will better know what is right and what is wrong. Help us to learn from our mistakes and grow spiritually as You have called us to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

When we mess up, we should go to God and ask Him what to do to correct it and what we can learn from it.

God’s word can help us to know when we have done wrong and His word will help us get back on the right path.

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (NLT)

Learning from our mistakes will help us to grow and change to be more like Christ.

When we stay focused on God, we will learn from our mistakes and move on.

FOCUS: Proverbs 24:16 “The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.” (NLT)

Staying focused on God will help us to quickly confess our sins, repent and return to doing His will.

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