05-06-2017, 10:04 AM
I see and appreciate the inherent goodness in all people.
I appreciate the diverse people in my life. As I bring to mind someone I admire, I take a moment to bless this person with my love and respect. I take the opportunity to express my appreciation for this person through words of gratitude or acts of kindness.
Appreciating a person I care about and respect is easy. Finding and showing appreciation for someone I find challenging may not be. Still, I recognize that everyone is a child of God.
So I take a moment to see this person through God’s eyes. What I nurture grows. So I focus on divine gifts or qualities in all people.
I help draw forth each person’s innate goodness by providing an environment of acceptance for it to flourish.
For the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.—1 Samuel 16:7
Daily Word
I see and appreciate the inherent goodness in all people.
I appreciate the diverse people in my life. As I bring to mind someone I admire, I take a moment to bless this person with my love and respect. I take the opportunity to express my appreciation for this person through words of gratitude or acts of kindness.
Appreciating a person I care about and respect is easy. Finding and showing appreciation for someone I find challenging may not be. Still, I recognize that everyone is a child of God.
So I take a moment to see this person through God’s eyes. What I nurture grows. So I focus on divine gifts or qualities in all people.
I help draw forth each person’s innate goodness by providing an environment of acceptance for it to flourish.
For the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.—1 Samuel 16:7
Daily Word