View Full Version : Hospital Routine

03-22-2017, 09:26 AM
Hospital Routine
(Author Unknown)

"We want to take you in for tests,"
Sounds innocent enough.
I thought of bed-tray meals and rests -
And all that pampered stuff.

I brought a pretty robe, to start,
Packed book and magazine.
And settled down to be a part
Of hospital routine....

** H-E-L-P **

Sip this, chew that, gargle, swallow.
Breathe in, breathe out, focus, follow.
This side, that side, poke and probe.
(So much for the pretty robe.)
Flex your muscles, make a fist.
Bend your elbow, turn your wrist.
Veins for sticking, tubes for feeding.
(So much for leisure reading.)
Up and down and out and in,
There's no place they haven't been!

** W-H-E-W ! **

Home has never looked so good
Or family so dear.
Back to Wife-and-Motherhood;
I'll recover here. :11:

03-25-2017, 08:42 AM
Smiling, I had chest pains yesterday and told someone that there was no way I was going into the hospital. I had pains in my arm too, but also in my shoulder so figured it was Fibromyalgia. After the intern said, "What are you doing here? We are busy, and there is nothing wrong with you," I tend to discount going to the hospital in case they keep me there or they send me away and say there is nothing wrong. I don't want them to give me a pill, I want them to take away the ones my doctor(s) have me on.