View Full Version : Zeal

03-16-2017, 08:51 AM
I move forward with enthusiasm to achieve all that is mine to do.

Charles Fillmore wrote, “Zeal and enthusiasm incite to glorious achievement in every aim and ideal that the mind conceives. Zeal is the impulse to go forward, the urge behind all things.”

Throughout the day I turn to God, divinely energized toward right action. This God energy brightens my day and helps me manifest infinite possibilities. The Christ Presence expresses through me as zeal. This current of spiritual energy naturally fuels me and supports me in achieving all that is mine to do today.

I am grateful to know that the life force of God dwells within me and blesses every step of my journey! I move forward with enthusiasm to achieve all that is mine to do. I am filled with zeal!
Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.—Romans 12:11

Daily Word