View Full Version : Stress Survival Kit

10-01-2013, 10:07 AM
This is a post I made in 2010 on another site:

Stress Survival Kit

This is your Stress Survival Kit. We hope some of these items will help you relax and enjoy life.

•A Rubber Band to stretch your ideas and your mind to new limits so you will continue to grow and enjoy life more.

•Tissues to remind you to see the tears and needs of others.

•Hugs & Kisses to remind you that everyone needs a hug, a kiss, or encouragement every day.

•A Life Saver to remind you to think of family, friends, and yourself as "life savers." Care about and help each other through he stressful times that occur.

•A Penny to remind you of the value of your thoughts, big and little. Share them with others.

•An Eraser to remind you that we all make mistakes which can all be overcome.

•A Toothpick to remind you to "pick out" the good qualities of others while being tolerant of differences.

•A Paper Clip to remind you that it's important to "keep it all together" whether "IT" is your mental health or your ability to cooperate with and support family and friends.

05-09-2014, 05:03 AM

Seven Thoughts about Faith

by Steve Brunkhorst

Faith is respectful. It respects our Creator and the unique purposes He has asked us to fulfill. Faith gives us the belief that we can succeed and the humility to accept success with sincere gratitude.

Faith is action-oriented. It sees what can be
accomplished and encourages us to act on inspired ideas. Faith gets us started -- even if the first actions are small. We affirm that we "can" rather than "can't" and "will" rather than "won't". As a result, we "do".

Faith is compassionate. It recognizes the needs of others and places their welfare first. Faith does not attract success at the expense of other people.

Faith increases when it is shared. When we communicate our faith, we also inspire faith in others. The best way to share faith is through actions.

Faith is diligent. It endures life's winters and greets the springs with vigor and strength. It grants wisdom with each failure. Faith brings hope and turns
misfortune into fortune.

Faith is responsible. It grants courage, resolve and dependability in obtaining the objectives that we seek.

Faith is creative. It begins with love, the foundation of all good things. Faith does not need to compete for success. Rather, it recognizes our capacity to think, create value, and solve problems in new ways.

We talk so much about fear. Fear needs to be replaced by faith.

Faith has been coming up for me. Having faith that this new medication will work. Trying to have faith in my doctor when he says, "It is a good pill. It is not a narcotic." Yet I don't like how it makes me feel and makes my body swell. Faith that things will be alright with my son. Faith that there is always a solution to any challenge, big or small. Have faith that He is ever with me.