View Full Version : Pray Before Giving

12-15-2016, 07:43 AM

God wants us to give with a willing and prayerful heart. When we take time to pray before giving, we are asking God what to give, who to give to and when to give it. Looking to Him for guidance in giving will bring more blessings because we are seeking Him first in our giving. When we humble ourselves before Him as we give, He will know we are giving sincerely. When we are thanking Him for what we have to give, our gifts will be more than enough. Just as Jesus prayed before He fed the multitude, we are to pray before we give to others. A gift given after praying to God can do miraculous things.

John 6:11 "Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted." (NLT)

1. Write about the last thing you gave.
2. List the times you have prayed before giving.
3. Know God can guide you in your giving.
4. Pray before every gift you give and after every gift you receive.

Dear Lord, thank You for the things You give us that help us and allow us to give to others. You give us time to spend with those in need. You give us talents we can use to help others. You give us treasures we can use to meet the needs of others. We pray You will show us the right way to help others and to give so we are giving You the glory and sharing Your word with others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

When we take time to pray before giving, God will direct us what, when and who to give to.

When we humble ourselves before God as we give, we are seeking Him first knowing our gifts truly do come from Him.

When we thank God for what He has given us to give, He will multiply and use it for His glory.

Prayer can do powerful things because we are putting God first and acknowledging Him.

Praying in faith that what we give will help others gives us stories to tell others about how great God is.

Acts 10:31b "your prayer has been heard, and your gifts to the poor have been noticed by God!" (NLT)

When we pray and when we give, God notices. And He is all who truly matters.

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12-15-2016, 08:16 PM
The Spirit is in the giving, whether God is watching or not! ;) They say we get back when we give, but we don't always get back from the person(s) we give to, they may be incapable of giving. Giving doesn't have to take form in gifts and money. Time is well spent, an ear to hear is often a favourite, and a smile and/or a hug, go a long way.