12-12-2016, 06:53 AM
My mind and body are whole, well, and strong.
When I am in optimal health, my body works like a well-oiled machine, with smooth efficiency. I fuel my body by eating nutritious foods and keep it in good shape by exercising on a regular basis. Walking or running, sitting or standing, I am aware of my body’s miraculous ability to adjust to what I am doing.
But I am more than just my physical body. A healthy mind is equally important to my overall well-being. I exercise my mind and keep it active by participating in lively conversations, learning new things, and through prayer.
I open my heart to God, and give thanks for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. God heals what needs to be healed, tuning me up for greater blessings ahead.
To set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.—Romans 8:6
Daily Word
My mind and body are whole, well, and strong.
When I am in optimal health, my body works like a well-oiled machine, with smooth efficiency. I fuel my body by eating nutritious foods and keep it in good shape by exercising on a regular basis. Walking or running, sitting or standing, I am aware of my body’s miraculous ability to adjust to what I am doing.
But I am more than just my physical body. A healthy mind is equally important to my overall well-being. I exercise my mind and keep it active by participating in lively conversations, learning new things, and through prayer.
I open my heart to God, and give thanks for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. God heals what needs to be healed, tuning me up for greater blessings ahead.
To set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.—Romans 8:6
Daily Word