View Full Version : When To Give

12-04-2016, 09:47 AM

It seems like all year long, not just at Christmastime, people, churches and organizations are requesting something from us. We are asked to give a little extra at the grocery store for a charity they are supporting. We get asked to give to a school for a fundraiser. We get asked to give at church for missions. Seems like a lot of giving would eventually leave us broke and in need of a little something ourselves. However, despite the requests of many, our choice to give is a private matter between us and God. He gives us the freedom to choose when to give but He wants us to remember to always be ready to give.

Deuteronomy 16:17 "All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the LORD your God." (NLT)

1. Write down when you have given to others.
2. List what blessings you have that can be shared.
3. Ask God to show you when to give today.
4. Make it a daily practice to give to someone in private.

Dear Lord, we know giving is extremely important to You. You give us so much and we are to, in turn, give to others. Help us to see when You want us to give and to give freely. Remind us giving in private is important because You want us to do it for Your glory and not our own. Thank You for the blessings You give us and show us when we are to share them with others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

When to give is not as important as being ready to give. Write down what you have to give and who may need what you have to offer.

Just as God gives to us, we are to give to others.

God gives us blessings every day. That is a good guideline on when we should give to others.

When we spend more time taking than giving, we are missing out on many blessings.

Giving in private reminds the person receiving the gift that it really comes from God.

When we give, we are to do so in private so we aren't flaunting to the world how great we think we are.

Matthew 6:4 "Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you." (NLT)

God rewards us when we give in private and others will give Him the glory for what they have received.

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