View Full Version : More Than Enough

11-23-2016, 11:10 AM
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him. — 1 Corinthians 2:9

More Than Enough
by Christina Vinson from 365 Devotions for Finding Rest (http://links.zondervancorporation.mkt4728.com/ctt?kn=48&ms=NTI4MjU4NjkS1&r=MTEyODIxNjMzMDgyS0&b=0&j=MTA0NjgwODMxMwS2&mt=1&rt=0)
http://contentz.mkt4728.com/ra/2016/42368/11/52825869/christina-vinson-circle.png (http://links.zondervancorporation.mkt4728.com/ctt?kn=5&ms=NTI4MjU4NjkS1&r=MTEyODIxNjMzMDgyS0&b=0&j=MTA0NjgwODMxMwS2&mt=1&rt=0) http://contentz.mkt4728.com/ra/2016/42368/11/52825869/more-than-enough-400x400.jpg (http://links.zondervancorporation.mkt4728.com/ctt?kn=5&ms=NTI4MjU4NjkS1&r=MTEyODIxNjMzMDgyS0&b=0&j=MTA0NjgwODMxMwS2&mt=1&rt=0)

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him. —1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT

When you were a child and you were handed a bowl of ice cream, you probably didn’t want to stop at just one scoop. Perhaps you even handed it back and said, “I want more.” How often do we still do that as adults — and with more things than just ice cream? To us, more is so often equated with better.

What do you want more of today? Money, clothes, or grownup toys, like boats, bikes, or golf clubs? Maybe it’s more vacation time, more power, or more prestige. More is enticing, and it promises fulfillment — for a moment.

The next time you begin thinking, I want more, rephrase and think instead, I have more than enough. You have a God who loves you and a Savior who gave His life for you. You have life and breath and grace.

Rest in your God who always gives you more than enough.

Father, I often deceive myself into thinking I need more, but You are more than enough.

Your Turn: Today as we think about all that we are thankful for and prepare our hearts for tomorrow, let’s remember I have more than enough. Let’s thank God that even though we have needs, and worries, and unknowns, and wants, He is more than enough.