11-19-2016, 06:52 AM
“After everything God has done …” by Lakisha J
Let’s say you have a lot of money saved and you decide to build a house. You make the necessary calls to get everything you need and you start building. Putting your blood, sweat and tears into building the home of your dreams. You hardly sleep making sure every piece of wood and nail is in its rightful place. The home is finished and you decorate it. And now its move in day but you decide, that’s alright I don’t want it anymore and walk off from it. Crazy, right? Well, think about how God feels every time you think He’s forsaken you. Just imagine how God feels when you treat Him as if He’s left you by yourself. Do you not realize all that God has done for you? He created heaven and earth in six days, giving us everything we need to survive. Then sin was introduced so God gave us hard work and pain as a consequence to the action but then He insured we’d be able to endure it by making us extra strong. Then sin began running rampant so God sent His only Son, as a living sacrifice, in order for us to be able to repent, when we sin AND still live. So tell me again why you think He’ll forsake us?
God has put His spiritual blood, sweat and tears into creating us. He’s spent His time to mold us. He’s even given us His breathe so that we might live. He left His word so that we might fill up on His knowledge and wisdom. He gives us His anointing that seals us with the power to cast out, call down and destroy strongholds. We’re granted new mercies, every day that keeps us in our right mind. So, what makes you think He’ll leave us without a thought about our wellbeing? After everything He’s sacrifice for us, why would He abandon us now? After everything …. God said to Jacob, while he dreamed in Genesis 28:15, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” And I just believe and trust God enough to know this is meant for us too, even now. Beloved, whoever you are, God has not left you. He has too much invested in you to just abandon you. You just have to believe that even when He doesn’t show up or say anything, He’s still there. This pain, this momentary moment of feeling defeated and this dark place you’re in, you’re not alone. God is always there. After everything, are you willing to trust Him?
Let’s say you have a lot of money saved and you decide to build a house. You make the necessary calls to get everything you need and you start building. Putting your blood, sweat and tears into building the home of your dreams. You hardly sleep making sure every piece of wood and nail is in its rightful place. The home is finished and you decorate it. And now its move in day but you decide, that’s alright I don’t want it anymore and walk off from it. Crazy, right? Well, think about how God feels every time you think He’s forsaken you. Just imagine how God feels when you treat Him as if He’s left you by yourself. Do you not realize all that God has done for you? He created heaven and earth in six days, giving us everything we need to survive. Then sin was introduced so God gave us hard work and pain as a consequence to the action but then He insured we’d be able to endure it by making us extra strong. Then sin began running rampant so God sent His only Son, as a living sacrifice, in order for us to be able to repent, when we sin AND still live. So tell me again why you think He’ll forsake us?
God has put His spiritual blood, sweat and tears into creating us. He’s spent His time to mold us. He’s even given us His breathe so that we might live. He left His word so that we might fill up on His knowledge and wisdom. He gives us His anointing that seals us with the power to cast out, call down and destroy strongholds. We’re granted new mercies, every day that keeps us in our right mind. So, what makes you think He’ll leave us without a thought about our wellbeing? After everything He’s sacrifice for us, why would He abandon us now? After everything …. God said to Jacob, while he dreamed in Genesis 28:15, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” And I just believe and trust God enough to know this is meant for us too, even now. Beloved, whoever you are, God has not left you. He has too much invested in you to just abandon you. You just have to believe that even when He doesn’t show up or say anything, He’s still there. This pain, this momentary moment of feeling defeated and this dark place you’re in, you’re not alone. God is always there. After everything, are you willing to trust Him?