11-16-2016, 06:27 AM
Trish Cordell
Wait and See
It’s Monday, OBSers, and do you know what that means? We’re starting Week 2 of our
Wait and See Bible study! I’m Trish Cordell, one of your #WaitAndSee Study Leaders, and I’m pumped up to start working out with you.
I know what y’all are thinking. Did she just say “working out”?
I did! And on a Monday no less! But, don’t drop the weights just yet. Let’s begin our warm-up by seeing what our author, Wendy Pope, and this week’s study leaders have to say about this “working out” thing.
Note: All of our YouTube OBS videos are closed captioned for the deaf/hard-of-hearing.
Click here for instructions on accessing closed captioning. (*W5wbxnh6_pWtkW5NT8nt5TGP1g0/*W2TQJjP5-zfrTVD7tj81RBk1y0/5/f18dQhb0SbTT8YHtsdW8ZRSvN2qwv2LN4c2RqV60m1QVf59N-57mvFqW3BJFQw3C72_6W83C2PM6WsHZjW6YHzwY9fcd43W9dv5 lS4GVfWRW3Q0D5f6WJ0PgW7K5TRn9dH4N7W4NFKlr7JtTqnW8m nw907bjnYCN81ZTrFHmsTTW1ZJ3bD4DqHqzW6dgmw34yv2r0W3 LmJLK20Y98hW1YfY8Y71G4-mW5Rpkcd3bqvNTW81_2M81GgGq8W1YYV5x72nt_yW6sxy0G1SW cFnW6ysgS320Xnw3W1CgR3Y7XS-PkW7c7Dz428Qmz_W6Vggyl1kmv20W28M1zf2bJvQtW6WCWNT1F rnQXW7JHqlL1M428jW1fn2t587sDb8W7pZn3b1Mdwh9W7k5N7z 7THwwyW1GlddQ7qdm2sW3G_1lT6l4V95N3tNQNfcZLWRW86l0b 27mTkPYW7tGrLz5lGDsMW5V422L1yMWbLW6y5D902M0HRdW8mh VQY7xQrgsW4lrPl96h4bMyW7y3gN29jYbfSW983J2b9bYtJ-W6JVMMM3QzRXbS15B22_Qtr102)
Week 2 video (
Whew! Aren’t you relieved you didn’t have to drop and give us 20?!
We all know physical workouts are great for our bodies. But it’s that spiritual workout, the one-on-one time with our “spiritual trainer,” God Himself, that gets into all the nooks and crannies of our soul as we allow Him to get truly personal with us.
Wendy states this beautifully in Chapter 2 when she writes:
"There is wisdom in taking steps of action, and there is wisdom in waiting on God to tell you where to walk."
It’s essential (before we take those steps of action) to first let God show us where He wants to take us.
Now that you’re just as pumped up as I am for this coming week, let’s take a peek in our Weekly Lowdown ( lLjvBlAldGDaq3fgeuSOfNckHej48K4cy7S3LiwEMw&_hsmi=37463085) at what you can expect. As with any workout, you choose what options work best for you. The best part: EVERYTHING you need is already prepared for you! Absolutely no guesswork!
Weekly Low Down
Alright friends, let’s get this Week 2 workout started! Looking forward to hearing from y'all!
Let's Chat:
Observe -- Spiritual workouts don’t have to be difficult. We can spend time getting personal with God anywhere! What are some of your favorite places to meet with Him?
Bible -- Write down our VOW, 1 Samuel 16: (, adding your reflections on a few of the benefits we can receive when we, like Jesus, look past outward appearances and truly look at the heart.
Stretch -- In the video message, Wendy shares we should“love God and love His people, while we’re in those pauses.” Focusing on our pause can hinder us from truly loving the people God has placed around us. Let's get intentional and watch for opportunities this week where we can love others, as we wait for Him to work things
Wait and See
It’s Monday, OBSers, and do you know what that means? We’re starting Week 2 of our
Wait and See Bible study! I’m Trish Cordell, one of your #WaitAndSee Study Leaders, and I’m pumped up to start working out with you.
I know what y’all are thinking. Did she just say “working out”?
I did! And on a Monday no less! But, don’t drop the weights just yet. Let’s begin our warm-up by seeing what our author, Wendy Pope, and this week’s study leaders have to say about this “working out” thing.
Note: All of our YouTube OBS videos are closed captioned for the deaf/hard-of-hearing.
Click here for instructions on accessing closed captioning. (*W5wbxnh6_pWtkW5NT8nt5TGP1g0/*W2TQJjP5-zfrTVD7tj81RBk1y0/5/f18dQhb0SbTT8YHtsdW8ZRSvN2qwv2LN4c2RqV60m1QVf59N-57mvFqW3BJFQw3C72_6W83C2PM6WsHZjW6YHzwY9fcd43W9dv5 lS4GVfWRW3Q0D5f6WJ0PgW7K5TRn9dH4N7W4NFKlr7JtTqnW8m nw907bjnYCN81ZTrFHmsTTW1ZJ3bD4DqHqzW6dgmw34yv2r0W3 LmJLK20Y98hW1YfY8Y71G4-mW5Rpkcd3bqvNTW81_2M81GgGq8W1YYV5x72nt_yW6sxy0G1SW cFnW6ysgS320Xnw3W1CgR3Y7XS-PkW7c7Dz428Qmz_W6Vggyl1kmv20W28M1zf2bJvQtW6WCWNT1F rnQXW7JHqlL1M428jW1fn2t587sDb8W7pZn3b1Mdwh9W7k5N7z 7THwwyW1GlddQ7qdm2sW3G_1lT6l4V95N3tNQNfcZLWRW86l0b 27mTkPYW7tGrLz5lGDsMW5V422L1yMWbLW6y5D902M0HRdW8mh VQY7xQrgsW4lrPl96h4bMyW7y3gN29jYbfSW983J2b9bYtJ-W6JVMMM3QzRXbS15B22_Qtr102)
Week 2 video (
Whew! Aren’t you relieved you didn’t have to drop and give us 20?!
We all know physical workouts are great for our bodies. But it’s that spiritual workout, the one-on-one time with our “spiritual trainer,” God Himself, that gets into all the nooks and crannies of our soul as we allow Him to get truly personal with us.
Wendy states this beautifully in Chapter 2 when she writes:
"There is wisdom in taking steps of action, and there is wisdom in waiting on God to tell you where to walk."
It’s essential (before we take those steps of action) to first let God show us where He wants to take us.
Now that you’re just as pumped up as I am for this coming week, let’s take a peek in our Weekly Lowdown ( lLjvBlAldGDaq3fgeuSOfNckHej48K4cy7S3LiwEMw&_hsmi=37463085) at what you can expect. As with any workout, you choose what options work best for you. The best part: EVERYTHING you need is already prepared for you! Absolutely no guesswork!
Weekly Low Down
Alright friends, let’s get this Week 2 workout started! Looking forward to hearing from y'all!
Let's Chat:
Observe -- Spiritual workouts don’t have to be difficult. We can spend time getting personal with God anywhere! What are some of your favorite places to meet with Him?
Bible -- Write down our VOW, 1 Samuel 16: (, adding your reflections on a few of the benefits we can receive when we, like Jesus, look past outward appearances and truly look at the heart.
Stretch -- In the video message, Wendy shares we should“love God and love His people, while we’re in those pauses.” Focusing on our pause can hinder us from truly loving the people God has placed around us. Let's get intentional and watch for opportunities this week where we can love others, as we wait for Him to work things