View Full Version : Daily Spiritual Meditations
- Power in His Word
- Father’s Blessing
- I live in the present moment
- Let Your Light Shine
- Where is God?
- Double is Due to You!
- He Lives
- I fear no evil; for thou are with me
- A Light For My Path
- A Story About Chickens
- Whose Voice Are You Listening To?
- Smile!
- Turn To God
- Smile
- Not Alone
- Increasing Your Faith
- My Father’s Forgiveness
- Sacred Counsel
- Wait for It!
- Awaken to Love
- Forgotten Memories
- World’s Fastest Walkers
- It's Coming
- Why? Why? Why?
- Let God Lead Others
- Fill Your Prescription
- Fresh Start
- I live in the light of God
- God either is or He is not!
- What Pleases a Father
- Let it Go
- Move Forward
- How will you choose to respond in the moment you face mistreatment?
- Drop Your Baggage
- Stay in the Yard
- In meditation, I connect with my Source
- The Blessing of Forgiveness
- I am aglow with vibrant life
- Let Disappointments Go
- What Do You Trust In?
- May the bountiful love of God be thy focus
- It’s the Wrong Time to Ask
- Great Peace
- Inner Peace
- Seek First
- Give Space and Freedom
- I let go and let the light of God shine
- Footprints
- Life's Little Things
- I Refuse To Be Discouraged
- Daily Reprieve - July
- NACR Daily Meditation - July
- Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - July
- Spice Things Up!
- Joy
- When you make a decision, invite God
- Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs
- A Reason To Share
- Dirty Windows or Blurred Vision?
- Temporary Trials
- Cover Yourself with Him
- In the Bad Times
- Hold Fast Your Confession
- Recovery
- We Have To Refuse
- The Night Light
- From Christ's Notes for July 2014
- Encouraging Word - July
- God wants you to know. . . - July
- Daily Reflection - July
- Bible Verse Of The Day - July
- Freedom in Forgetting
- I meet my life with a bright outlook. Life is good
- Seek Understanding
- Be Still
- He Prunes
- Growing pains
- You Are Not Insignificant
- Show Others The Same Mercy We Have been Shown
- Spiritual Water
- Freedom in Contentment
- Your Name on God’s Hand
- To Be Thankful For
- Inner Kingdom
- A Lesson In Worry
- What Do Angels Look Like?
- God Is Understanding
- Slow Down, Quiet Down.
- I will be glad and rejoice in you
- Chill out
- Seeing Over The Fence
- Kids and Cookies
- A New Journal
- Impossibilities
- Toilet roll missing
- Freedom for All
- God’s Not Finished With You
- Give Yourself a Break
- Are you thirsting for God right now?
- By His Power
- The Critical Mind
- Who is in charge of my freedom?
- God's ways brings freedom
- Someone To Talk To
- Stop Passing Judgment
- Freedom in Contentment
- Focus Forward
- Faith
- Set Priorities
- My yoke is easy and my burden is light
- Distorted Thinking
- The Gift of Today
- I choose thoughts that produce good
- Not A Hitching Post
- Clean Up
- Stand with God
- I go with the flow of time
- Obsessions and Addictions
- Weeds and Flowers
- A New Season of Goodness
- Wits’ End Corner
- Let God Comfort You
- Solving Problems
- Uncertain Times
- He Forgives
- How can one rejoice when everything seems to go wrong?
- Know That I Am God
- Learn to live
- Mr. Clean
- It Didn’t Stop There
- Fellowship With Jesus
- Choose Life and Blessing
- When Fear Comes
- Grace
- The Key To Loving Others
- Don't Listen To Satan
- Words Matter
- God Is with You
- I Choose
- One with Spirit, I am comforted
- Look To The Hills
- God Really Does Love You
- Thumper's Advice
- Enjoy Whatever You Are Doing
- There's nothing done or said that can't be forgiven
- An Invocation of Strength
- Speak to Your Mountains
- Love Drives Out Fear
- Search Me, God
- Practice the Presence of God
- God is my strength; I am victorious
- Understanding The Elderly
- Reserved Seats
- God Is Timeless
- Is God not hearing you?
- Do Not Let Past Sin Discourage You
- Tensions
- God’s Guiding Presence
- God Upholds
- Wait with Confidence
- How Others Treat Us
- Triumph Over Troubles
- What do you see?
- What can you expect when you love God?
- God doesn't make junk
- What follows “I Am”?
- Learning to Trust
- Service
- I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
- Faith is Trusting
- Pray for Others
- Money
- Cast Your Cares
- One Day At A Time
- He Is at Your Right Hand
- Learning to Copy
- Call Waiting
- Going Back
- Put God in the driver’s seat
- Be still and know that I am God
- Count Your Blessings
- The Power to Make a Change
- Let Go Of The Past
- Have You Asked God?
- Go With The Flow
- The devil wants you to live your life from an empty cup
- Listen to the Quiet
- A Call to Prayer
- The Truest Friend
- Talk Yourself into a Good Mood
- Living Bridges
- Guided by Spirit, I become all that I am
- Whoppers Or Adventures?
- Why are you downcast, O my soul?
- Free from Shame
- Stay Stable
- Watch Out!
- He Doesn’t Need a Cloud
- Give It Up!
- An Itchy, Scratchy Burlap Sack
- Inner Peace
- Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry
- The Wreck that Saved her Life
- Is someone you care about suffering from a life-controlling problem?
- His Ways are Higher
- At Peace with Yourself
- Completely Satisfied
- Look To What Is Unseen
- Do you sometimes feel as though nobody understands what you are experiencing?
- The Auction
- Are you searching for contentment?
- Growing Strong in Faith
- Calm Down and Lighten Up!
- Each day, each moment offers us new opportunity
- Waving The White Flag
- Who do you run to when you are in trouble?
- Running on Empty
- Ignore Distractions
- Applying and Removing Each morning and evening I have the same routine. Yours may be
- Instincts
- Have you ever felt like you just can’t go on. . .?
- Your Sun and Shield
- I forgive, and I am forgiven
- Mustard-Seed Faith
- Have you been stuck in a rut lately?
- Defeat Worry
- Different light
- God Looks Beyond the Surface
- Like the New You
- Camaraderie
- What causes your heart to wander?
- Today I Will. . . - July
- There are mornings when all we want is to stay asleep
- God is my friend and guide, my comfort and strength
- Keep Hoping and Praising
- The God of Comfort
- What’s in your Hand?
- Helplessness
- Exchange Your “I Can’ts” for “I Cans”
- Let Go, Let God
- If God be for us, who can be against us?
- Don't Worry
- Make Time with God a Priority
- Walk in Love
- If situations in my life feel out of sync, I pause for a moment of prayer
- Life is a Journey
- $3.85 a Gallon
- When confronted with an issue, pray first.
- Sleep in Peace
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