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  1. Power in His Word
  2. Father’s Blessing
  3. I live in the present moment
  4. Let Your Light Shine
  5. Where is God?
  6. Double is Due to You!
  7. He Lives
  8. I fear no evil; for thou are with me
  9. A Light For My Path
  10. A Story About Chickens
  11. Whose Voice Are You Listening To?
  12. Smile!
  13. Turn To God
  14. Smile
  15. Not Alone
  16. Increasing Your Faith
  17. My Father’s Forgiveness
  18. Sacred Counsel
  19. Wait for It!
  20. Awaken to Love
  21. Forgotten Memories
  22. World’s Fastest Walkers
  23. It's Coming
  24. Why? Why? Why?
  26. Let God Lead Others
  27. Fill Your Prescription
  28. Fresh Start
  29. I live in the light of God
  30. God either is or He is not!
  31. What Pleases a Father
  32. Let it Go
  33. Move Forward
  34. How will you choose to respond in the moment you face mistreatment?
  35. Drop Your Baggage
  36. Stay in the Yard
  37. In meditation, I connect with my Source
  38. The Blessing of Forgiveness
  39. I am aglow with vibrant life
  40. Let Disappointments Go
  41. What Do You Trust In?
  42. May the bountiful love of God be thy focus
  43. It’s the Wrong Time to Ask
  44. Great Peace
  45. Inner Peace
  46. Seek First
  47. Give Space and Freedom
  48. I let go and let the light of God shine
  49. Footprints
  50. Life's Little Things
  51. I Refuse To Be Discouraged
  52. Daily Reprieve - July
  53. NACR Daily Meditation - July
  54. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - July
  55. Spice Things Up!
  56. Joy
  57. When you make a decision, invite God
  58. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs
  59. A Reason To Share
  60. Dirty Windows or Blurred Vision?
  61. Temporary Trials
  62. Cover Yourself with Him
  63. In the Bad Times
  64. Hold Fast Your Confession
  65. Recovery
  66. We Have To Refuse
  67. The Night Light
  68. From Christ's Notes for July 2014
  69. Encouraging Word - July
  70. God wants you to know. . . - July
  71. Daily Reflection - July
  72. Bible Verse Of The Day - July
  73. Freedom in Forgetting
  74. I meet my life with a bright outlook. Life is good
  75. Seek Understanding
  76. Be Still
  77. He Prunes
  78. Growing pains
  79. You Are Not Insignificant
  80. Show Others The Same Mercy We Have been Shown
  81. Spiritual Water
  82. Freedom in Contentment
  83. Your Name on God’s Hand
  84. To Be Thankful For
  85. Inner Kingdom
  86. A Lesson In Worry
  87. What Do Angels Look Like?
  88. God Is Understanding
  89. Slow Down, Quiet Down.
  90. I will be glad and rejoice in you
  91. Chill out
  92. Seeing Over The Fence
  93. Kids and Cookies
  94. A New Journal
  95. Impossibilities
  96. Toilet roll missing
  97. Freedom for All
  98. God’s Not Finished With You
  99. Give Yourself a Break
  100. Are you thirsting for God right now?
  101. By His Power
  102. The Critical Mind
  103. Who is in charge of my freedom?
  104. God's ways brings freedom
  105. Someone To Talk To
  106. Stop Passing Judgment
  107. Freedom in Contentment
  108. Focus Forward
  109. Faith
  110. Set Priorities
  111. My yoke is easy and my burden is light
  112. Distorted Thinking
  113. The Gift of Today
  114. I choose thoughts that produce good
  115. Not A Hitching Post
  116. Clean Up
  117. Stand with God
  118. I go with the flow of time
  119. Obsessions and Addictions
  120. Weeds and Flowers
  121. A New Season of Goodness
  122. Wits’ End Corner
  123. Let God Comfort You
  124. Solving Problems
  125. Uncertain Times
  126. He Forgives
  127. How can one rejoice when everything seems to go wrong?
  128. Know That I Am God
  129. Learn to live
  130. Mr. Clean
  131. It Didn’t Stop There
  132. Fellowship With Jesus
  133. Choose Life and Blessing
  134. When Fear Comes
  135. Grace
  136. The Key To Loving Others
  137. Don't Listen To Satan
  138. Words Matter
  139. God Is with You
  140. I Choose
  141. One with Spirit, I am comforted
  142. Look To The Hills
  143. God Really Does Love You
  144. Thumper's Advice
  145. Enjoy Whatever You Are Doing
  146. There's nothing done or said that can't be forgiven
  147. An Invocation of Strength
  148. Speak to Your Mountains
  149. Love Drives Out Fear
  150. Search Me, God
  151. Practice the Presence of God
  152. God is my strength; I am victorious
  153. Understanding The Elderly
  154. Reserved Seats
  155. God Is Timeless
  156. Is God not hearing you?
  157. Do Not Let Past Sin Discourage You
  158. Tensions
  159. God’s Guiding Presence
  160. God Upholds
  161. Wait with Confidence
  162. How Others Treat Us
  163. Triumph Over Troubles
  164. What do you see?
  165. What can you expect when you love God?
  166. God doesn't make junk
  167. What follows “I Am”?
  168. Learning to Trust
  169. Service
  170. I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
  171. Faith is Trusting
  172. Pray for Others
  173. Money
  174. Cast Your Cares
  175. One Day At A Time
  176. He Is at Your Right Hand
  177. Learning to Copy
  178. Call Waiting
  179. Going Back
  180. Put God in the driver’s seat
  181. Be still and know that I am God
  182. Count Your Blessings
  183. The Power to Make a Change
  184. Let Go Of The Past
  185. Have You Asked God?
  186. Go With The Flow
  187. The devil wants you to live your life from an empty cup
  188. Listen to the Quiet
  189. A Call to Prayer
  190. The Truest Friend
  191. Talk Yourself into a Good Mood
  192. Living Bridges
  193. Guided by Spirit, I become all that I am
  194. Whoppers Or Adventures?
  195. Why are you downcast, O my soul?
  196. Free from Shame
  197. Stay Stable
  198. Watch Out!
  199. He Doesn’t Need a Cloud
  200. Give It Up!
  201. An Itchy, Scratchy Burlap Sack
  202. Inner Peace
  203. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry
  204. The Wreck that Saved her Life
  205. Is someone you care about suffering from a life-controlling problem?
  206. His Ways are Higher
  207. At Peace with Yourself
  208. Completely Satisfied
  209. Look To What Is Unseen
  210. Do you sometimes feel as though nobody understands what you are experiencing?
  211. The Auction
  212. Are you searching for contentment?
  213. Growing Strong in Faith
  214. Calm Down and Lighten Up!
  215. Each day, each moment offers us new opportunity
  216. Waving The White Flag
  217. Who do you run to when you are in trouble?
  218. Running on Empty
  219. Ignore Distractions
  220. Applying and Removing Each morning and evening I have the same routine. Yours may be
  221. Instincts
  222. Have you ever felt like you just can’t go on. . .?
  223. Your Sun and Shield
  224. I forgive, and I am forgiven
  225. Mustard-Seed Faith
  226. Have you been stuck in a rut lately?
  227. Defeat Worry
  228. Different light
  229. God Looks Beyond the Surface
  230. Like the New You
  231. Camaraderie
  232. What causes your heart to wander?
  233. Today I Will. . . - July
  234. There are mornings when all we want is to stay asleep
  235. God is my friend and guide, my comfort and strength
  236. Keep Hoping and Praising
  237. The God of Comfort
  238. What’s in your Hand?
  239. Helplessness
  240. Exchange Your “I Can’ts” for “I Cans”
  241. Let Go, Let God
  242. If God be for us, who can be against us?
  243. Don't Worry
  244. Make Time with God a Priority
  245. Walk in Love
  246. If situations in my life feel out of sync, I pause for a moment of prayer
  247. Life is a Journey
  248. $3.85 a Gallon
  249. When confronted with an issue, pray first.
  250. Sleep in Peace