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  1. God Sees Your Possibilities
  2. Spiritual Vitamins Day 13
  3. Free
  4. The Lord is a good Father who longs to show you His kindness and goodness
  5. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
  6. Be Slow To Speak
  7. Pursue the Virtue of Contentment
  8. Momentary Troubles
  9. Getting Rid of Anger
  10. The Lord is with you
  11. Nothing Is Impossible
  12. Spiritual Vitamins Day 14
  13. The Lord is your wonderful provider
  14. Look Straight Ahead
  15. If God is for us, who can be against us?
  16. Get in Balance
  17. Our thought-life has a profound influence on the type of lives we live
  18. Humble Thoughts
  19. Spiritual Vitamins Day 15
  20. Throw Problems Away
  21. Good Can Come From Anywhere
  22. Something Better in Store
  23. Be Still and Wait
  24. Gossip
  25. Responding to Conflict
  26. Spiritual Vitamins Day 16
  27. A New Plan
  28. Pause
  29. The Lord is continuously at work in each of our lives
  30. The Lord is here right now, to be your Helper and your Guide
  31. THINK
  32. Return To God
  33. Spiritual Vitamins Day 17
  34. If you are going through a problem today, how do you overcome it?
  35. Casting Our Burdens at His Feet
  36. Let God recycle your troubles today
  37. Spiritual Vitamins Day 18
  38. Ask for Help
  39. God’s Love Fills Me
  40. Let God be the source of your comfort
  41. Spiritual Vitamins Day 19
  42. The Best Portion of All
  43. God wants to pour out His living water and blessings on us
  44. The Lord wants to come, by His mighty power, and touch you
  45. Only One Thing is Needed
  46. Spiritual Vitamins Day 20
  47. The Lord your God is with you
  48. You Are Born To Win
  49. Develop Your Potential
  50. Ask God
  51. Responding to Conflict
  52. There Is Always Time for Prayer
  53. Spiritual Vitamins Day 21
  54. God is our salvation
  55. A Gift for Others and for Yourself
  56. The Eyes of the LORD
  57. Be Humble and Gentle
  58. Speak Hopefully for 24 Hours
  59. Spiritual Vitamins Day 22
  60. God's Word Is Fail-Safe
  61. More Than Enough
  62. The Critical Mind
  63. Be a Peace Maker
  64. Spiritual Vitamins Day 23
  65. Infinitely More
  66. God wants to help us
  67. Put your past in the past!
  68. Laugh to Lift Yourself Up
  69. The Land of Hope
  70. Visualize Your Hopes
  71. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
  72. "Gird Up" Your Mind
  73. Fulfilling Your Purpose
  74. Spiritual Vitamins Day 24
  75. An Unmoving Target
  76. When You Hurt, You Are Not Alone
  77. Visit the Still Waters
  78. God will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you
  79. Blank Page
  80. Don’t give holy things to dogs, and don’t throw your pearls in front of pigs
  81. How to handle difficult times
  82. Blessings, Promises and Truths
  83. Have you ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place?
  84. It Is Finished
  85. Spiritual Vitamins Day 25
  86. Wait and hope for and expect the Lord
  87. You are so precious and valuable to the Lord
  88. Tips for Better Quiet Time With God
  89. Fill Your Mind Overflowing with Faith
  90. The most courageous action to take
  91. Spiritual Vitamins Day 26
  92. Whispers from God to a Hungry Heart
  93. Are you living today thinking about a problem?
  94. Instructions for a godly life
  95. Practice Affirming God's Presence
  96. God has a plan
  97. A Matter Of Trust
  98. Don't forget to take breaks to replenish yourself
  99. Forward
  100. Spiritual Vitamins Day 27
  101. The Lord will not forget His people
  102. Spend Time with Jesus every day
  103. God has not forgotten you!
  104. Take It to the Lord in Prayer
  105. An Ugly Tree
  106. You are very important to God
  107. Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
  108. Spiritual Vitamins Day 28
  109. Be as Little Children
  110. Do not fear; I will help you
  111. Ask God to restore the joy of your heart today
  112. He Seeks Your Return
  113. Transformed
  114. Trust In God
  115. Spiritual Vitamins Day 29
  116. Don't Give Up!
  117. The Lord is always with us
  118. Happy is the man who has found God
  119. An attitude of gratitude
  120. During Anxious Times
  121. Spiritual Vitamins Day 30
  122. Weather Report
  123. He remembered us in our low estate
  124. When Christ speaks, it is like nothing else
  125. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - October
  126. Bible Verses - October
  127. Standing Firm Armor of God
  128. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him
  129. We Can Always Count On God's Love
  130. Have you ever felt like you were trapped?
  131. Keep on Keeping on
  132. Step away from the darkness
  133. What Can Come From Suffering
  134. Standing Firm - Belt of Truth Day Two
  135. The Lord is your refuge
  136. Don't allow yourself to drift away into doubt and unbelief
  137. God can turn any situation around if we will let Him
  138. Minimize All Obstacles
  139. Don't Miss His Answer
  140. The Lord will speak to you
  141. Standing Firm - Breastplate of Righteousness Day Three
  142. Notice the Little Things
  143. When God created woman
  144. How Can I Come Back to God After Backsliding?
  145. God Forgets!
  146. Always There
  147. You are not alone
  148. Your hope in God is an Anchor for your soul
  149. Standing Firm - Helmet of Salvation Day Four
  150. God is our refuge and strength
  151. The mouth speaks what the heart is full of
  152. Divine Interruptions
  153. A Hope And A Future
  154. Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love?
  155. Senior Exercise
  156. Standing Firm - Shield of Faith Day Five
  157. The Lord is our foundation
  158. Is God Showing Through Your Life?
  159. A Brand New Thing
  160. Facing Your Worries
  161. Standing Firm - Shoes of Peace Day Six
  162. When we face impossible situations, the Lord is still with us
  163. You Are Important!
  164. The LORD is close to the broken-hearted
  165. Cast Your Burden
  166. God’s Provision for Your Failure
  167. Sword of the Spirit by SGLY Ministry
  168. When All is Said and Done
  169. The LORD is my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer
  170. Who am I?
  171. Jesus Knows The Temptations We Face
  172. Arm Yourself With God's Word
  173. God wants to come through for you
  174. Separate Yourself
  175. Standing Tall
  176. God's transformation of your heart
  177. You can call on God at any time
  178. I am free to re-create myself
  179. Don’t Settle for Less than God’s Best
  180. Perfect Peace
  181. The Lord is the great healer and the restorer of our souls
  182. Never limit God
  183. Birds of the Air
  184. Standing Firm - Praying in the Spirit Day 8
  185. Ask God
  186. The Lord is the sustainer of your life
  187. Pick Your Battles
  188. Two Masters
  189. Slow Down, Quiet Down. Do Not Fume. Do Not Fret
  190. Take Refuge in Him
  191. Set aside time for prayer
  192. Standing Firm - Truth Day Nine
  193. God's unfailing love and His mighty power
  194. Life Can Be Tough
  195. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things
  196. Always Be Thankful
  197. Mending The Rip
  198. Twelve Signs of a Spiritual Awakening
  199. Dealing with other people
  200. Return To Him
  201. Standing Firm - Righteousness Day Ten
  202. The Lord will strengthen you and help you
  203. You Are Loved
  204. The Lord is our source of peace
  205. The Lord your God is God, the faithful God
  206. Does the Lord answer your prayers?
  207. New Version Of Footprints
  208. The Touch of the Master’s Hand
  209. The Lord wants us to trust Him
  210. Standing Firm - Salvation Day Eleven
  211. Line up Your Heart
  212. Above all, clothe yourselves with love
  213. Christ Makes Everything New
  214. Let Go, Let God
  215. Don't Wait For Tomorrow
  216. God Will Not Abandon You
  217. My Deliverer
  218. Criticized? Trust God to Defend
  219. Your Strength Is Limited, God’s Is Unlimited
  220. God loves and cares for you
  221. Standing Firm - Faith Day Twelve
  222. The Good Shepherd
  223. Regular Feedings
  224. Jesus Reaches Out
  225. Be still, and know that I am God
  226. Preparing for the Best
  227. Move Forward Confidently
  228. Trust God
  229. Standing Firm - Peace Day Thirteen
  230. Don’t Forget a Single Blessing
  231. The 7 Ups
  232. Resist the Devil at His Onset
  233. Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut
  234. Fret Buster
  235. Jesus didn’t leave us Without HOPE
  236. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
  237. The Lord is God
  238. When we call, God will answer
  239. Standing Firm - The Sword of the Spirit Day Fourteen
  240. Let Go, Let God
  241. Let The Lord Take Hold Of You Today
  242. This is the day the Lord has made
  243. Know and Remember
  244. Continually Content
  245. Forgiveness is my blessing
  246. God is the One Who gives you the strength you need
  247. Alive Magazine October 2022
  248. Standing Firm - Prayer Day Fifteen
  249. He Gives Strength
  250. Perfect Love