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  1. Take hold of God's word and His promises
  2. Strength and Courage
  3. Listen to Your Heart
  4. Pray For Your Enemies
  5. God loves you
  6. Precious Promises – Day 16
  7. Celebrating Creativity
  8. Take hold of God's word and His promises
  9. God loves you
  10. The Position of Power
  11. I am the resurrection and the life
  12. Emotional Stability
  13. Alive Magazine April 2022
  14. This is the day that I have made.
  15. Precious Promises – Day 17
  16. Refuse To Worry!
  17. Troubles Won’t Last
  18. Fix Our Thoughts On God
  19. Guidance
  20. Reading the Bible is worth it
  21. God is with you today
  22. Easter
  23. Rise Up Today
  24. The spirit of the Christ is awakened in me
  25. Through the Christ Presence within, I am transformed
  26. Jesus the Messiah
  27. Three Greatest Words
  28. Precious Promises – Day 18
  29. Jesus wants to live and dwell in you
  30. Break Free from Other People’s Expectations
  31. God's promises are sure and dependable
  32. Keep Looking
  33. If the Lord is for you, who can be against you?
  34. Spiritual SOS
  35. Set the Tone
  36. No Condemnation
  37. God’s Plans
  38. Precious Promises – Day 19
  39. Let God's word fill your heart and mind
  40. We serve a big God and nothing is too difficult for Him
  41. Create in me a pure heart, O God
  42. Precious Promises – Day 20
  43. We are a chosen people
  44. The Lord is faithful in all His promises to us
  45. Let us keep our eyes on the Lord
  46. Precious Promises – Day 21
  47. Enjoy the Journey
  48. Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime
  49. The Gift of Giving
  50. No Matter What You Have Done, God Forgives You
  51. Positive Change
  52. You Are Not Alone
  53. Keep Thinking Positively
  54. Give your burdens to the LORD
  55. Precious Promises – Day 22
  56. Really Live!
  57. Who Says We Can’t Change?
  58. Love Overcomes
  59. God hasn’t forgot about you
  60. Precious Promises – Day 23
  61. God Is Always With Us
  62. Standing Strong
  63. Lean On God
  64. Look for Opportunity
  65. Precious Promises – Day 24
  66. Ask the Lord what you should do
  67. The role of prayer
  68. God is with us
  69. He Increases Your Strength
  70. Set a guard over my mouth, LORD
  71. A Clear Mind
  72. Learning To Flex
  73. Precious Promises – Day 25
  74. Catch the Foxes
  75. Don’t Give Up
  76. The Lord will be with you
  77. Precious Promises – Day 26
  78. He Increases Strength
  79. The Peace of God
  80. The Lord is faithful
  81. He Prepares the Way for Victory
  82. Precious Promises – Day 27
  83. In God take refuge
  84. Where does our help come from?
  85. Mistakes Are Made
  86. Fully Loaded and Totally Equipped
  87. Laugh on Purpose
  88. Count Your Blessings
  89. God has been good to us
  90. God, Our Helper
  91. Precious Promises – Day 28
  92. The LORD your God is with you
  93. One Thing is Needed
  94. The love of God comforts me
  95. Let us hold firmly to what we believe
  96. Precious Promises – Day 29
  97. In a Hurry
  98. The Lord will protect and provide for you
  99. Your Heavenly Father loves and cares for you
  100. Hold onto the hand of the Lord your God and believe in His Word to you
  101. When You Hurt, You Are Not Alone
  102. Follow Jesus
  103. When Morning Comes
  104. Words of Strength
  105. Precious Promises – Day 30
  106. God’s Boundaries
  107. The Lord has not abandoned or forsaken you
  108. Worry
  109. Are You Listening?
  110. Expect a Turnaround
  111. Bearing Fruit
  112. God is love
  113. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - May
  114. Bible Verses - May
  115. Baskets of Blessings - Day 1
  116. Peace, Be Still
  117. Worry
  118. Got Something On My Mind
  119. You Are Not Alone
  120. Hope in discouragement
  121. Failure is Not Final
  122. Anoint me afresh
  123. Travel Light
  124. Choosing What Rules Your Heart
  125. Baskets of Blessings Day 2
  126. Be someone's sunshine when their skies are gray
  127. The answer that God has for you could be right before you
  128. Attitude
  129. The Lord is my Helper
  130. God is your Shield and Defender
  131. Not My Will But Thine Be Done
  132. Baskets of Blessings Day 3
  133. Helping Others
  134. God's Gentle Word
  135. The Lord is great and greatly to be praised
  136. Longing for a Home
  137. Baskets of Blessings Day 4
  138. The Lord is the One who comes alongside us to comfort and encourage us
  139. Let the Lord fight your battle
  140. LORD, be our strength every morning
  141. Always Thankful
  142. Baskets of Blessings Day 5
  143. Exchange your ‘I can’t’ thoughts for ‘I can’ thoughts
  144. Where are you looking for the strength and encouragement you need?
  145. Don't wait for your ship to come in
  146. Your Rear Guard
  147. Live One Day at a Time
  148. Prepare to Love Others
  149. Baskets of Blessings Day 6
  150. God's grace is sufficient
  151. Look for the Best in Each Other
  152. Your Worth Is Based on the Blood
  153. Think Positively
  154. Turning It Over
  155. Baskets of Blessings Day 7
  156. Receive His Word
  157. Empty Out The Negative
  158. It is time
  159. Be “God Loves Me” Minded
  160. Go to God with Your Mistakes
  161. The Helpful High
  162. What keeps you steady when things get tough?
  163. For He is the living God and He endures forever
  164. Baskets of Blessings Day 8
  165. For He is the living God and He endures forever
  166. You are the God who sees me
  167. He Gives Attention
  168. Baskets of Blessings Day 9
  169. You are valuable and precious to God
  170. Say Continually
  171. Arise to what the Lord has planned and purposed for you
  172. Shoulds, Gottas, and Must Dos
  173. What Do You Think of Yourself?
  174. Recuperating Compost
  175. Baskets of Blessings Day 10
  176. Light on the Way
  177. Time Management
  178. Victory over Dread
  179. Baskets of Blessings Day 11
  180. There is no limit or end to the Lord's love for you
  181. See His Goodness
  182. Jesus Will Not Forsake You
  183. Baskets of Blessings Day 12
  184. Marked by Honor
  185. This Too Will Pass
  186. Your Seed Determines Your Harvest
  187. Hope for a New Season
  188. Choosing right for the future
  189. The Lord will restore your health and heal your wounds
  190. Jesus in a Changing World
  191. Baskets of Blessings Day 13
  192. Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God
  193. God Cares
  194. Always Be Thankful
  195. Helping Hand
  196. Let Go, Let God
  197. Baskets of Blessings Day 14
  198. The eyes of the Lord are on you
  199. Change
  200. Be Thankful
  201. Be Forgiving
  202. Don't Wait For Tomorrow
  203. One Thing I Know
  204. Alive Magazine May 2022
  205. What the Bible says about Heaven
  206. Your Perspective
  207. Baskets of Blessings Day 15
  208. The Lord is the source of all
  209. Why Are We Still Here
  210. He Prepares Your Path
  211. By His Grace
  212. Your Request - His Answer
  213. Baskets of Blessings Day 16
  214. We have a God in Whom we can trust
  215. Never limit the Lord to what we think He can do
  216. Inner Peace
  217. Take Your Life Back
  218. Teaching Through Forgiveness
  219. Life Lessons
  220. Finding Grace & Peace
  221. It Is Never Too Late
  222. God Our Refuge
  223. Baskets of Blessings Day 17
  224. Don't Let Satan Steal Your Joy
  225. How Strong Are You?
  226. Always Available
  227. Thank You, Lord!
  228. Believing God
  229. Baskets of Blessings Day 18
  230. Our hope in the Lord is the anchor for our souls
  231. God is still God
  232. Love Can Change People
  233. God Is Greater Than Your Mistakes
  234. You did not wake up today to be mediocre
  235. Walk Through
  236. Never Alone
  237. You Are Not A Failure
  238. THINK
  239. Baskets of Blessings Day 19
  240. Talk to God
  241. The LORD Almighty is with us
  242. Remember the Good
  243. Gratitude
  244. Keep Trusting
  245. Divine Love eagerly welcomes me home
  246. I Believe: God is Near, God Guides
  247. Baskets of Blessings Day 20
  248. True Freedom
  249. Finding Strength
  250. Arise each morning anew