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  1. Spirit within refreshes and strengthens me
  2. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 19
  3. Don't Be Surprised
  4. Each Day is a Gift
  5. Going with His Flow
  6. God is greater than the obstacle at hand
  7. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 20
  8. Remain Steadfast
  9. Stand!
  10. Get in the Flow
  11. Do Not Worry
  12. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 21
  13. Freely Forgive
  14. Where are you putting your time?
  15. Get alone with God today to refuel your spirit!
  16. Going Around Your Obstacle
  17. Prayer as the First Option, Not the Last Resort
  18. Are you missing someone who is very dear to your heart?
  19. The Lord is With You
  20. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 22
  21. You are valuable and precious to God
  22. God's unfailing love goes on and on
  23. Bless The LORD
  24. Looking for Yes
  25. Gratitude
  26. The Lord's Favor
  27. Enjoy Life
  28. We Shall Be Like Jesus
  29. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 23
  30. Only God can truly satisfy your soul
  31. Walk In Love
  32. Speak To Your Mountain
  33. Speak To Influence
  34. He Holds the Keys
  35. Clean your mess!
  36. Move Towards His Goodness
  37. Gifts Of Kindness
  38. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 24
  39. Where I’m the Least Thankful
  40. See that no one pays back evil for evil
  41. Divorce or Delay?
  42. Trust the Unchanging Rock
  43. You Can Live in an Atmosphere of Peace
  44. God is the the bread of life
  45. Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking
  46. The Will of God
  47. Take time to thank God
  48. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 25
  49. As for God, His way is perfect
  50. Fearless Faith in God
  51. God's favor lasts a lifetime
  52. Let Go, Let God
  53. Let Go, Let God
  54. Overwhelmed With Power
  55. Thank God For Others
  56. Give Thanks!
  57. It's Thanksgiving
  58. Sweet Potato Times
  59. Happy Thanksgiving! A Thankful Heart
  60. Thanksgiving
  61. Gratitude
  62. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 26
  63. The Lord God is your Guide
  64. Begin each day with God
  65. Don’t Stay Angry
  66. God Whispers “Fish”
  67. One Thing Is Necessary
  68. An Ugly Tree
  69. What's In Our Hearts
  70. Thankful
  71. God’s Word is the answer to anything you face
  72. Inner Peace
  73. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 27
  74. The Lord is your Deliverer
  75. The Lord is our refuge and our strength
  76. Being Ready in the Tough Times
  77. LORD, You alone are my portion and my cup
  78. The Pruning Process
  79. Get Rid of Your Clutter
  80. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 28
  81. An Attitude of Gratitude
  82. The Pruning Process
  83. What Others Say
  84. Gratitude
  85. God Is All-Powerful
  86. Comparison is a Thief
  87. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 29
  88. A Little Lump of Clay
  89. Bring Forth Fruit
  90. God is at work within each one of us
  91. Avoid the Slingers
  92. Don't Get Rattled
  93. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 30
  94. Get Away with God
  95. God Alone Is Trustworthy
  96. You Can Be Free
  97. Remember that God does love you unconditionally
  98. You, With Christ, Can Do Anything
  99. Footprints
  100. The Light on Your Way
  101. Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name
  102. What is God’s will for your life
  103. State Of Joy
  104. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - December
  105. Bible Verses - December
  106. Christmas Countdown Day 1
  107. The Lord knows your need, and He will provide for you
  108. What Causes Content?
  109. Divine Appointment
  110. Resist The Devil By Faith
  111. Let emotions subside and then decide
  112. Choose To Be Changed
  113. You are loved by the Lord, your Savior and your God
  114. The Journey of Preparation
  115. Life is full of change
  116. The Lord has an abundance of good things stored up for you
  117. Your Consolation
  118. Christmas Countdown Day 2
  119. Run Your Race
  120. The Things We Think
  121. God's Love and Mercy are always available
  122. Trusting God
  123. Hunger Pains
  124. Christmas Countdown Day 3
  125. The LORD is our Fortress
  126. Rejoice in the Lord always
  127. Choose to Be Changed
  128. With God on Your Side
  129. We can trust in the Lord's unfailing love
  130. Christmas Countdown Day 4
  131. Inner Peace
  132. We can trust in the Lord's unfailing love
  133. Open up the doors of our lives and let God in
  134. Rest
  135. Christmas Countdown Day 5
  136. The Lord is your great deliverer
  137. The Lord wants to come and make His home in your heart
  138. Don't Let Them Hold You Back
  139. Rejoice in the Lord always
  140. The Lord has had a plan for our futures
  141. God Sees the Good in You
  142. Christmas Countdown Day 6
  143. Don't Let Them Hold You Back
  144. The Lord has a plan for our futures
  145. Foot Prints in the Sand
  146. Christmas Countdown Day 7
  147. There is Good News in store for each and every one of us
  148. Spiritual Gifts
  149. Attitude in Adversity
  150. Let God Be God
  151. Hang On!
  152. Be of Good Cheer
  153. Christmas Countdown Day 8
  154. Pay Them No Mind
  155. Honor God’s Voice Above All
  156. Divine Appointments
  157. The Lord will meet the needs that you carry in your heart
  158. Encourage Ourselves
  159. Christmas Countdown Day 9
  160. Let Christ become the light of your life
  161. Believe in Prayer
  162. He Gives Strength
  163. Jesus Is The Greatest Gift Of All
  164. Do not worry about anything
  165. Smile!
  166. Always Near
  167. Caregivers' Blessing
  168. Christmas Countdown Day 10
  169. God is with us
  170. How to Move On
  171. To Become Like Jesus
  172. Draw Near to God
  173. Christmas Countdown Day 11
  174. Let your soul magnify the Lord
  175. How Will You Finish?
  176. Do Not Be Afraid
  177. When your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow
  178. Jesus is all we need
  179. Start Something
  180. Show God’s love to others
  181. Christmas Countdown Day 12
  182. God is our Shepherd
  183. Remember the kindness and love of God
  184. The Journey of Preparation
  185. Value Every Moment
  186. Forgive
  187. Start Something Good
  188. Change Your Mind
  189. God Isn't Finished
  190. Don't Wait For Tomorrow
  191. May You Know the Love of God
  192. Loving One Another
  193. Christmas Countdown Day 13
  194. The Lord is with us always
  195. Which Wolf Are You Feeding?
  196. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son
  197. Our Actions
  198. Christmas Countdown Day 14
  199. See the Lord
  200. Setup for a Comeback
  201. I am a child of God, free to express my true self
  202. Treasuring Time
  203. Live Rooted in God
  204. Christmas Countdown Day 15
  205. The greatest Gift ever given
  206. Listen To God
  207. God, in His great wisdom, has given us all we need
  208. A New Route
  209. New Garments
  210. Don't know how to pray or unsure of what to say?
  211. Turn Away Wrath
  212. Christmas Countdown Day 16
  213. Meditation
  214. Reboot and Recover
  215. The Ultimate Gift
  216. Come Apart To Stay Together
  217. Make Room For the New
  218. Rest Awhile
  219. Christmas Countdown Day 17
  220. Handpicked by God
  221. Start your morning at the feet of Jesus
  222. Words by a Swimming Pool
  223. Christmas Countdown Day 18
  224. Jesus Is The Greatest Gift Of All
  225. Let us abide in the teaching of Jesus Christ
  226. Faith Under Fire
  227. Pursuing Peaceful Relationships
  228. As I release resentments, I am released
  229. Have A Happy Life
  230. Christmas Countdown Day 19
  231. Words have power, so select them with care
  232. Hold Your Peace
  233. You Don't Face Life All Alone
  234. Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name
  235. Beauty for Ashes
  236. You Are Not a Failure
  237. Joy
  238. Christmas Countdown Day 20
  239. Peace, Be Still
  240. Be Kind to Those Who Aren’t Kind to You
  241. Come Apart to Stay Together
  242. I bow down on bended knee
  243. Times spent with loved ones are deeply treasured gifts
  244. Christmas Countdown Day 21
  245. The Wonderful Counselor
  246. The Christmas Tree
  247. You Have A Purpose
  248. Candy Cane
  249. God Loves You Even When You Make Mistakes
  250. Overcoming the Accuser