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  1. Standing Firm - Prayer Day Fifteen
  2. God is a great help in life
  3. Gaining Strength
  4. The Lord has made everything beautiful in its time
  5. Know Who You Are In Christ
  6. Standing Firm - Belt of Truth Day Sixteen
  7. Renewing My Mind
  8. A Step of Faith
  9. Not Growing Old
  10. Alive Magazine October 2021
  11. Standing Firm - Breastplate of Righteousness Day 17
  12. Share His Nature
  13. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever
  14. The Lord can turn any situation around
  15. Refuse to Worry
  16. Why are you downcast, O my soul?
  17. God’s Strength in You!
  18. Standing Firm - Helmet of Salvation Day 18
  19. The Lord will come through for you
  20. Shake It Off
  21. The Lord is with you
  22. Go Ahead and Do It
  23. Standing Firm - Shield of Faith Day 19
  24. The Right Foundation
  25. Be Slow To Speak
  26. Forgiveness Wins
  27. Don't sin by letting anger control you
  28. He Helps Shoulder Burdens
  29. Standing Firm - Shoes of Peace Day 20
  30. Delight In The Lord
  31. Hard Times
  32. Protection
  33. God is able to rescue and deliver
  34. God is our refuge and strength
  35. Standing Firm - Sword of the Spirit Day 21
  36. Ask For Help
  37. Get Rid of Guilt and Condemnation
  38. A Moment With Him
  39. Live in the Present
  40. Thank God For You!
  41. Accept the Right Thoughts
  42. Control Your Words
  43. Standing Firm - Praying in the Spirit Day 22
  44. Embracing Change
  45. The Lord is the One Who is strong and mighty
  46. Time Off
  47. Make God the top priority in your life
  48. You Are Not Alone
  49. Standing Firm - Helmet of Salvation 23
  50. You are valuable and precious to the Lord
  51. Perfect Love
  52. You Are Important!
  53. Waiting In Hope
  54. Clean The Closet
  55. God Even Cares About Remotes and Car Keys
  56. Imitate God
  57. Standing Firm - Breastplate of Righteousness 24
  58. Find Balance
  59. Sometimes we just need to stop and remind ourselves of who God is
  60. His plans are laid for each one of His children
  61. One Power
  62. Appreciate Your Calling
  63. The Lord is with You
  64. Hope in His Steadfast Love
  65. Standing Firm - Belt of Truth 25
  66. The Lord knows how to rescue
  67. God is a rock. What He does is perfect
  68. Live in a way that pleases God
  69. A Cold Turnip and Mud
  70. Standing Firm - Shoes of Peace Day 26
  71. Appreciate Your Calling
  72. Cast Your Cares
  73. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest
  74. Standing Firm - Shield of Faith 27
  75. You Are Not A Failure
  76. Spend Time with Jesus
  77. Speak Positively
  78. At Just the Right Time
  79. Believe in Yourself
  80. He Sees Your Tears
  81. Standing Firm - Sword of the Spirit 28
  82. The LORD God is my strength
  83. God’s Love Never Fails
  84. God wants to rescue us
  85. Standing Firm - Armor of God Day 29
  86. The Lord is with us
  87. Handpicked by God
  88. The Lord is our great Protector and Defender
  89. Forgiveness
  90. Forgiveness
  91. Turn Your Security System On
  92. The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save
  93. We Need God’s Answers
  94. Standing Firm - Praying in the Spirit - Day 30
  95. The Lord will deliver us
  96. The Prayer of Commitment
  97. Get Back Up
  98. Plan for Good
  99. Standing Firm - Clad in His Armor - Day 31
  100. Has Your Get-Up-and-Go Got Up and Gone?
  101. God Is Still With Us
  102. How your kindness can change everything
  103. What is it like to be a Christian?
  104. Just Ask!
  105. The Pumpkin Patch Parable
  106. Safe and secure in the light of God
  107. A relationship with God is critical to spiritual growth
  108. Move forward into greater good
  109. Don't Let Your Heart Be Troubled
  110. Make Prayer A Habit
  111. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - November
  112. Bible Verses - November
  113. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 1
  114. You are all children of the light
  115. For God is the fountain of life
  116. Penguins and People
  117. Pleasant Words
  118. Today’s Challenge Be Looking For Opportunity
  119. God Gets You
  120. Triumph In Affliction
  121. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 2
  122. Those who trust in the LORD will find new strength
  123. Give thanks in all circumstances
  124. We can live with the Lord forever
  125. God is the Source of all understanding, love, patience, and kindness
  126. Daily Benefits
  127. How to Hug a Porcupine and Squeeze a Skunk
  128. Defeat Worry
  129. In the Day of Trouble
  130. Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you
  131. Prayer is simply talking to God
  132. You Are Not Alone
  133. Never Forgotten
  134. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and the One who rescues
  135. Patience and Wisdom Go Hand in Hand
  136. We are all deserving of patience and kindness
  137. Your value is based on what God thinks of you
  138. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 3
  139. The Lord is with you
  140. Keep Balanced
  141. Encourage Don't Criticize
  142. True Success
  143. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 4
  144. Catch the Little Foxes
  145. The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you
  146. Talk To God Anywhere
  147. Look to the Lord
  148. Never Go to Bed Angry
  149. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 5
  150. God is faithful and keeps His covenant with us
  151. Your every longing and desire is known by the Lord
  152. Encourage each other and build each other up
  153. Be a burden lifter
  154. Decide Ahead of Time
  155. Start the day with positivity
  156. Have a Good Day!
  157. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 6
  158. See others from God's perspective
  159. God has GOOD for you
  160. Experience God’s Peace and Rest
  161. Invite your Heavenly Father to walk with you
  162. More Than I Can Fathom
  163. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 7
  164. Make Prayer A Priority
  165. God sees you as someone that is important
  166. Overcome with Good
  167. Keeping Track of Your Tears
  168. Sing A New Song
  169. Overwhelmed and Exhausted
  170. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 8
  171. The Lord will not leave you
  172. Don't Give Up
  173. Thankfulness
  174. Think Before You Speak
  175. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 9
  176. God Is An Artist
  177. True Comfort
  178. Recall God's Past Care for You
  179. P-A-C-E yourself each morning
  180. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 10
  181. Blessings that we receive as part of God’s family
  182. In God's Hands
  183. Get Filled Up!
  184. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 11
  185. The Lord knows what is best for us
  186. What are you building your house on?
  187. A New Way of Thinking
  188. Rest for Your Soul
  189. Just As I Am
  190. Strength under Control
  191. A Future and a Hope
  192. Fret Buster
  193. I honor and thank those who serve
  194. Stay away from every kind of evil
  195. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 12
  196. The Lord will not abandon us
  197. The Lord is with you
  198. Do you have everything you need?
  199. Each day He gives you the new strength you need
  200. Forgive Yourself
  201. The Lord's Baseball Game
  202. The Lord is faithful
  203. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 13
  204. The Lord is faithful
  205. Our merciful, loving and gracious Father is with us
  206. Don't Lose Focus
  207. Peace and Happiness
  208. Don't Worry
  209. God Is Working In You
  210. When We Are Stressed
  211. Refuse to Worry
  212. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience
  213. Leave Your Case With God
  214. Be Confident In God
  215. Be Still
  216. Hang On!
  217. Alive Magazine November 2021
  218. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 14
  219. What we focus on determines our outlook
  220. The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you
  221. You Reap What You Sow
  222. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 15
  223. The living God is your Savior, and your Good Shepherd
  224. Allow God to shape you
  225. The Bible tells us that we become what we think about
  226. Be Confident In God
  227. Exercise Self-Control
  228. Be Still
  229. I Will Try Again Tomorrow
  230. Do you need to recharge your batteries?
  231. Overwhelmed with Sickness
  232. Motivation Monday
  233. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 16
  234. The Lord will be with you, and He will help you
  235. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer
  236. God is greater than the obstacle at hand
  237. Walking Through the Storm
  238. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 17
  239. There is no one like the Lord
  240. Unexpected Journey
  241. We have God to turn to
  242. Family Attitudes
  243. Breaking Free
  244. God IS In Control
  245. Sometimes Love Is Just Being Friendly
  246. What to Do When Trouble Comes
  248. Attitude of Gratitude – Day 18
  249. The Lord's grace is sufficient
  250. Where are you putting your time?