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  1. Listen to God's Voice
  2. A Mark of Honor
  3. Beholding God’s Glory
  4. The Source of Happiness
  5. Precious Promises – Day 8
  6. Don't be afraid, for God is with you
  7. Abide with God
  8. Be Decisive
  9. Where's Our Focus
  10. For Anxious Days
  11. Precious Promises – Day 9
  12. The Lord is your Helper and Protector
  13. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you
  14. Pray Anywhere
  15. Breaking Free
  16. How great God love is towards us
  17. Precious Promises – Day 10
  18. He Gives Strength
  19. Accepted Not Rejected
  20. Trust in the Lord and do good
  21. Say No to Worry
  22. Alive Magazine April 2021
  23. Precious Promises – Day 11
  24. Letting Go
  25. Avoid Stumbling
  26. Be a Billboard for Hope
  27. Be a light in darkness
  28. How great is our Heavenly Father's love for us
  29. Precious Promises – Day 12
  30. You never know what just one day can bring with it
  31. How great is our Heavenly Father's love for us
  32. When Things Are Out of Control
  33. The Power of Integrity
  34. God is faithful
  35. Be Fully Satisfied
  36. Trust in the Lord
  37. Be a light in darkness
  38. Precious Promises – Day 13
  39. Let Your Light Shine
  40. Press Through
  41. Above All
  42. Sweet Sleep
  43. Learning to Cope with Criticism
  44. Precious Promises – Day 14
  45. Infuse Your Mind with Faith
  46. God can turn any situation around in a moment
  47. Turn Away
  48. How to Move On
  49. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us
  50. A Time Claimed for God
  51. A Prayer of Release to God for What We Cannot Control
  52. Precious Promises – Day 15
  53. A Pillow for My Head
  54. Giving Up!
  55. Strength and Courage
  56. Precious Promises – Day 16
  57. Celebrating Creativity
  58. Seek the Lord's will in all you do
  59. Will you choose to be a rebuilder or be owned by bitterness?
  60. Be Victory-Minded
  61. Freedom Through Forgiveness
  62. Do you ever struggle to pray?
  63. Precious Promises – Day 17
  64. Refuse To Worry!
  65. God's mighty power is at work within us
  66. Reading the Bible is worth it
  67. Kindness Begets Kindness
  68. Today I am free to begin anew
  69. Daily Struggles
  70. Troubles Won’t Last
  71. Hope-Full
  72. Guidance
  73. Precious Promises – Day 18
  74. Set the Tone
  75. He is Risen!
  76. Break Free from Other People’s Expectations
  77. Spiritual SOS
  78. God’s Plans
  79. Precious Promises – Day 19
  80. In Everything, Give Thanks
  81. Sing a New Song
  82. Rest In God
  83. Precious Promises – Day 20
  84. The light of God in you makes you different
  85. The Lord is faithful in all His promises to us
  86. We are a chosen people
  87. Hold On to Your Peace
  88. Go with the Flow
  89. Attitude Is Everything
  90. You Can Cope with Criticism
  91. Focus On Faith
  92. Winter Is Past
  93. Set a Goal to Enjoy Every Part of Your Day
  94. Precious Promises – Day 21
  95. The Lord Will Help You
  96. Positive Change
  97. You Are Not Alone
  98. Keep Thinking Positively
  99. Our Words
  100. Difficult People
  101. Faith Is Steady
  102. Precious Promises – Day 22
  103. You can start again
  104. Prove Them Wrong
  105. Who Says We Can’t Change?
  106. Really Live!
  107. Love Overcomes
  108. God hasn’t forgot about you
  109. The God of All Comfort
  110. Tell God Everything
  111. Precious Promises – Day 23
  112. God Is Always With Us
  113. Look for Opportunity
  114. With God all things are possible
  115. Standing Strong
  116. Lean On God
  117. Blessings Through Hard Times
  118. Precious Promises – Day 24
  119. Ask the Lord what you should do
  120. He Increases Your Strength
  121. Set a guard over my mouth, LORD
  122. With God all things are possible
  123. Precious Promises – Day 25
  124. Because Of His Promises
  125. Catch the Foxes
  126. We have all experienced times when we felt abandoned by God
  127. Yearning for More of God
  128. Precious Promises – Day 26
  129. The Lord will not abandon you
  130. The Lord is faithful
  131. The Lord wants to lead you
  132. He Prepares the Way for Victory
  133. Precious Promises – Day 27
  134. With God’s help, you can accomplish more
  135. What We Think, Say and Do
  136. In God take refuge
  137. Mistakes Are Made
  138. Fully Loaded and Totally Equipped
  139. Be renewed in the spirit of your minds
  140. Where does our help come from?
  141. Precious Promises – Day 28
  142. One Thing is Needed
  143. Marinara Sauce
  144. Let us hold firmly to what we believe
  145. Focus On God's Goals
  146. An Alternative to Anger
  147. It’s Okay To Talk About It
  148. Your Heavenly Father loves and cares for you
  149. The Blame Game
  150. What a Waste!
  151. Fulfilling Labor
  152. God's Will and Not Our Own
  153. God has a good work for your life
  154. Precious Promises – Day 29
  155. Your Heavenly Father loves and cares for you
  156. Does the world need more mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, or patience?
  157. Always safe and secure with God
  158. Follow
  159. When You Hurt, You Are Not Alone
  160. Words of Strength
  161. God So Loved You
  162. As We Focus
  163. You will not have to fight this battle
  164. Rest For Your Soul
  165. Precious Promises – Day 30
  166. The Lord wants to come and lift you up
  167. Are You Listening?
  168. Spring Cleaning: Let in the Fresh Air
  169. Overflow with Thankfulness
  170. Expect a Turnaround
  171. What better friend can we have than God?
  172. God Is Love
  173. God Is Bigger Than Your Limitations
  174. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - May
  175. Bible Verses - May
  176. Baskets of Blessings - Day 1
  177. The Boxes
  178. You Are Not Alone
  179. Got Something On My Mind
  180. Travel Light
  181. Hope in discouragement
  182. Anoint me afresh
  183. A Prayer for When You Can't 'Feel' God
  184. The answer that God has for you could be right before you
  185. Baskets of Blessings Day 2
  186. Believe and Declare
  187. The answer that God has for you could be right before you
  188. Inner Peace
  189. The Lord is my Helper
  190. Be someone's sunshine when their skies are gray
  191. Baskets of Blessings Day 3
  192. There is no pit too deep or too dark from which God cannot rescue us
  193. Something Out of Nothing
  194. When God is Your Boss
  195. God's Gentle Word
  196. Helping Others
  197. But God
  198. God loves you just the way you are
  199. Let the Lord fight your battle
  200. He is Strong in You
  201. What Is Your Calling?
  202. Lord, what do You want me to be?
  203. Baskets of Blessings Day 4
  204. Find your hiding place under the Lord's covering
  205. Always Thankful
  206. The Lord is the One who comes alongside us to comfort and encourage us
  207. No Time
  208. Baskets of Blessings Day 5
  209. The Lord's unfailing love will always be there for you
  210. Don't wait for your ship to come in
  211. Why Me
  212. Know His Kindness
  213. Where are you looking for the strength and encouragement you need?
  214. Your Rear Guard
  215. Get Ready for the "New"
  216. Baskets of Blessings Day 6
  217. Our refuge and protection is found in God alone
  218. Rejoice Anyway
  219. Living in Love
  220. Baskets of Blessings Day 7
  221. It is time
  222. As You Have Declared
  223. Go to God with Your Mistakes
  224. Be “God Loves Me” Minded
  225. What keeps you steady when things get tough?
  226. Have A Happy Life
  227. Baskets of Blessings Day 8
  228. How to Start the Day
  229. You are the God who sees me
  230. He Gives Attention
  231. Baskets of Blessings Day 9
  232. Arise to what the Lord has planned and purposed for you
  233. It Must Be God
  234. Say Continually
  235. Shoulds, Gottas, and Must Dos
  236. Satan, Get Out!
  237. Recuperating Compost
  238. What Do You Think of Yourself?
  239. Baskets of Blessings Day 10
  240. Time Management
  241. God's power and His wisdom is beyond all human understanding
  242. Putting Smiles on Faces
  243. Don’t Exceed Reasonable Limits
  244. Victory over Dread
  245. Be Responsible
  246. Baskets of Blessings Day 11
  247. The Lord is with you no matter what you are walking through
  248. God's grace is always more than enough
  249. There is no limit or end to His love for you
  250. Choose Joy