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  1. I am amazed at God’s good
  2. A Better World
  3. God Is With Us
  4. Kindness is Contagious
  5. Words That Help
  6. A Quiet Place
  7. Constantly Speak
  8. Be an Encourager
  9. There is only One Power and One Presence
  10. Blessed Are The Meek
  11. What is one of your weaknesses?
  12. When We Feel We Can't Go on
  13. God is all things to us
  14. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - April
  15. NACR Daily Meditation - April
  16. Daily Reprieve - April
  17. Spiritual ideas bloom in my heart
  18. The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save
  19. Promise Of New Strength
  20. In all things be enthusiastic
  21. Life is what I choose to make it!
  22. Daily Reflection - April
  23. Encouraging Word - April
  24. God wants you to know. . . - April
  25. Bible Verse Of The Day - April
  26. An April Fool's Hoax
  27. A Reflection of Your Father
  28. Extraordinary Gratitude
  29. Medicine for Your Soul
  30. Gratitude brings me joy!
  31. Free Tomatoes
  32. Focus
  33. Entering the Rest of God
  34. An Attitude Of Gratitude
  35. Power to Prosper
  36. I am willing to learn and grow
  37. Another Distraction
  38. The Fullness of the Blessing
  39. Pray before Answering
  40. Guidance
  41. What’s In A Name?
  42. Have you looked back on your life to see how far God has brought you?
  43. Pay Close Attention
  44. Our Inner Slave Driver
  45. Jesus - The Light That Overcomes Darkness
  46. Is Anything too Hard for Him?
  47. Zest for Life
  48. Check The Oil
  49. Sleep Is A Gift From God
  50. Where do you turn when your life turns into a mess?
  51. What's The Rush?
  52. Facing Change
  53. The Daily Walk
  54. Get Excited About Your Future!
  55. Inner Peace
  56. Just Wandering
  57. Resurrection Power at Work
  58. More than Conquerors
  59. Help Someone Today
  60. Hard Times
  61. Compassion in sickness
  62. Nothing Left But God
  63. Taking Care Of Yourself
  64. Passionate About Jesus
  65. Divine Order
  66. Fireworks
  67. Washing by Faith
  68. Eyes to See
  69. for me came 12 steps and also Jesus
  70. I am renewed by the healing activity of God
  71. Strawberry Mess
  72. You Are Beautiful
  73. When Others Laugh
  74. Listen to God's Voice
  75. The Greatness of His Favor
  76. You Have Something
  77. Getting Beyond Ourselves
  78. Where's Our Focus
  79. Abide with God
  80. The miracle of your new life
  81. Seriously, Don’t Worry!
  82. I see the dawn of a new day
  83. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you
  84. Clarity
  85. Journey Into Burnout
  86. The Power of Attitude
  87. Now Faith
  88. Cast your burden on the Lord
  89. I affirm the absolute good of God
  90. Immovable
  91. Trust in the Lord
  92. Forgive
  93. Take Action
  94. With each new insight, I am born anew
  95. Be a light in darkness
  96. Visible Faith
  97. Be Fully Satisfied
  98. I rest in Spirit, and I am comforted
  99. New Beginnings
  100. Turn To God
  101. Fix our Thoughts
  102. Stopping Negative Thought Patterns
  103. Seek And Find
  104. Get Ready for the “New”
  105. Sufficient Grace
  106. Welcome!
  107. Growing Roots
  108. Cast your burden on the Lord
  109. I am grateful for God’s abundant good
  110. Turn Away
  111. Under Full Sail
  112. Invite Christ into Your Relationships
  113. In the Silence, I find the answers I seek.
  114. Do you trust that the Lord will honor you at the right time?
  115. God's Intentions
  116. Finding Rest
  117. Check Your Attitude
  118. A Pillow for My Head
  119. Giving Up!
  120. Facing Ambivalent Emotions
  121. Who Can I Trust?
  122. Give Me a Blessing
  123. Spiritual Dead End???
  124. It is Finished
  125. Go to God First
  126. I emanate peace and love to all the world
  127. Will you choose to be a rebuilder or be owned by bitterness?
  128. In God's Spotlight
  129. God's Masterpiece
  130. Strength Training
  131. How failure can fuel your future success
  132. Kindness Begets Kindness
  133. Today I am free to begin anew
  134. Daily Struggles
  135. Beauty by God
  136. Complete Overhaul
  137. He is Risen!
  138. What to do when you encounter defeat
  139. Take More Vacations
  140. Keep Looking
  141. What’s Next?
  142. No Condemnation
  143. I give, and I am greatly blessed in return
  144. Spiritual SOS
  145. Ten Reasons To Believe In God
  146. How Will You Accomplish Your Dreams?
  147. Sing a New Song
  148. I forgive, and I am forgiven
  149. The Best Eraser
  150. Lying To Yourself?
  151. Eatin Mor Chikin In Akshun
  152. Disadvantage to an Advantage
  153. He Delivers You from All
  154. You Can Cope with Criticism
  155. Easter
  156. Focus On Faith
  157. No Matter What You Have Done, God Forgives You
  158. Positive Change
  159. Centered in Spirit, I am happy
  160. Deep Roots
  161. Thunderstorm Thoughts
  162. Determined Purpose
  163. What is God Telling You to Do?
  164. Earth Blessing
  165. Acts Of Kindness
  166. He gave them water as abundant as the seas
  167. Focus On God
  168. Too Old?
  169. I thank God for you
  170. The Ripple Effect
  171. Favor Awareness
  172. Finding power in your faith to overcome
  173. Right Path
  174. Lack Of Sleep
  175. Giving and Receiving
  176. What's Your Brand?
  177. Born into Privilege
  178. He Increases Your Strength
  179. Pray for Others
  180. Never Let Down
  181. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial
  182. Lookout
  183. With God all things are possible
  184. Learning To Flex
  185. His Love Strengthens Me
  186. Rooted in the wisdom of God, I am strong enough to be flexible
  187. Do you acknowledge your happiness?
  188. Be Still
  189. About Change
  190. In The LORD's House
  191. A Light in the Darkness
  192. The Hurt of Rejection
  193. Loving Difficult People
  194. Do you sometimes feel like you just can’t go on?
  195. Faith is a window for God's Light
  196. The Big C
  197. Catch the Foxes
  198. An unjust person inflicts pain
  199. Learning the Secret
  200. We have all experienced times when we felt abandoned by God
  201. Answer with Faith
  202. Through the power of my words, I create my reality
  203. Focus On Today
  204. The Peace of God
  205. No Is Not A Naughty Word
  206. Hidden Help
  207. Unique
  208. Learning To Love
  209. What We Think, Say and Do
  210. Prayer – The Most Powerful Form of Energy
  211. Seek Him
  212. Probing Questions
  213. Focus On God's Goals
  214. The love of God comforts me
  215. It’s Okay To Talk About It
  216. The Blame Game
  217. Meekness
  218. How Are You Spending Your Time?
  219. Marinara Sauce
  220. Decide this day to walk with God
  221. What a Waste!
  222. Daily Reprieve - May
  223. NACR Daily Meditation - May
  224. Daily Quote, Bible Verse and Prayer - May
  225. Fear Leads to Worry
  226. Does the world need more mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, or patience?
  227. Follow
  228. The Highest Power
  229. Drifting Away
  230. Words of Strength
  231. Forget and Forgive
  232. Observation
  233. From a Dummy?
  234. What Do I Do Now?
  235. The Only Time We Ever Have
  236. Did you wake up today? Do your eyes see? Are you breathing?
  237. Are You Listening?
  238. Bearing Fruit
  239. God Wants Your List
  240. Focus On God's Power
  241. Have you ever been in a situation that made you feel all alone?
  242. Daily Reflection - May
  243. Encouraging Word - May
  244. Bible Verse Of The Day - May
  245. Follow Peace
  246. You Are Not Alone
  247. Travel Light
  248. Gentleness Begins
  249. Christ's Notes - May 2014
  250. Anoint me afresh