View Full Version : Daily Spiritual Meditations
- The Lord is a good Father who longs to show you His kindness and goodness
- What is faith?
- The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
- Be Slow To Speak
- Sing A New Song
- Your shelter in the time of storm
- Pursue the Virtue of Contentment
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 14
- Our thought-life has a profound influence on the type of lives we live
- If God is for us, who can be against us?
- Get in Balance
- Humble Thoughts
- Alive Magazine September 2020
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 15
- Juggling
- We are each a part of God
- Throw Problems Away
- Good Can Come From Anywhere
- Something Better in Store
- Be Still and Wait
- Gossip
- The magnitude of God's great love
- Responding to Conflict
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 16
- The Lord is your Provider
- Jesus Never Fails
- A New Plan
- Pause
- Bad News
- The Lord is continuously at work in each of our lives
- You Have a Choice
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 17
- Let God recycle your troubles today
- If you are going through a problem today, how do you overcome it?
- Casting Our Burdens at His Feet
- How do you deal with an attack from the enemy?
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 18
- Ask for Help
- The Real Gift
- First Things First
- God’s Love Fills Me
- Forgetting What Is Behind
- Let God be the source of your comfort
- Victory is On the Way
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 19
- The Best Portion of All
- God wants to pour out His living water and blessings on us
- The Lord wants to come, by His mighty power, and touch you
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 20
- Finding Rest in a Restless World
- The Lord your God is with you
- You Are Born To Win
- Cheerful Heart
- Develop Your Potential
- Ask God
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 21
- God is our salvation
- A Gift for Others and for Yourself
- You are greatly beloved by the Lord
- The Eyes of the LORD
- Be Humble and Gentle
- Speak Hopefully for 24 Hours
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 22
- God's Word Is Fail-Safe
- More Than Enough
- Be a Doer of the Word
- Spiritual Vitamins – Day 23
- Infinitely More
- Rekindle the Fire
- God wants to help us
- Put your past in the past!
- Spiritual Vitamins – Day 24
- An Unmoving Target
- When You Hurt, You Are Not Alone
- Visit the Still Waters
- God will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you
- Blank Page
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 25
- Seeking the Lord
- Wait and hope for and expect the Lord
- You are so precious and valuable to the Lord
- Tips for Better Quiet Time With God
- Fix Your Mind
- The Secret of Contentment
- Fill Your Mind Overflowing with Faith
- Passing the Buck
- The most courageous action to take
- The Lord Will Lead and Guide You
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 26
- The Lord Will Lead and Guide You
- Whispers from God to a Hungry Heart
- Are you living today thinking about a problem?
- Instructions for a godly life
- Practice Affirming God's Presence
- God has a plan
- A Matter Of Trust
- Don't forget to take breaks to replenish yourself
- Forward
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 27
- The Lord will not forget His people
- Spend Time with Jesus every day
- What Do You Say?
- God has not forgotten you!
- Take It to the Lord in Prayer
- An Ugly Tree
- You are very important to God
- Forgive
- Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
- Spiritual Vitamins – Day 28
- Be as Little Children
- Do not fear; I will help you
- Ask God to restore the joy of your heart today
- He Seeks Your Return
- Transformed
- Trust In God
- Spiritual Vitamins–Day 29
- Don't Give Up!
- The Lord is always with us
- Happy is the man who has found God
- An attitude of gratitude
- During Anxious Times
- Spiritual Vitamins – Day 30
- New Dawn
- Weather Report
- He remembered us in our low estate
- God’s Plan Always Wins
- Small Straws In A Soft Wind - October
- Bible Verses - October
- Standing Firm -Armor of God
- Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him
- Letting Go
- We Can Always Count On God's Love
- Have you ever felt like you were trapped?
- Rest in God's love
- I am one with the love of Christ. Here, I belong
- Keep on Keeping on
- Growing Into Spiritual Maturity
- Step away from the darkness
- Standing Firm - Belt of Truth Day Two
- The Lord is your refuge
- A conduit of God’s love
- Don't allow yourself to drift away into doubt and unbelief
- God an turn any situation around if we will let Him
- Minimize All Obstacles
- Don't Miss His Answer
- Breastplate of Righteousness Day Three
- Notice the Little Things
- When God created woman
- How Can I Come Back to God After Backsliding?
- God Forgets!
- Always There
- Helmet of Salvation
- God is our refuge and strength
- The mouth speaks what the heart is full of
- Animal Friends
- Divine Interruptions
- A Hope And A Future
- Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love?
- Senior Exercise
- Standing Firm - Shield of Faith Day Five
- The Lord is our foundation
- Who, What, When, Where and How?
- Is God Showing Through Your Life?
- A Brand New Thing
- Facing Your Worries
- Standing Firm - Shoes of Peace Day Six
- God has not changed
- You Are Important!
- The LORD is close to the broken-hearted
- Cast Your Burden
- God’s Provision for Your Failure
- What Is Your Name?
- Kindness
- Standing Firm - Sword of the Spirit Day 7
- When All is Said and Done
- The Lord is the great healer and the restorer of our souls
- Who am I?
- Jesus Knows The Temptations We Face
- Arm Yourself With God's Word
- God wants to come through for you
- Separate Yourself
- Standing Tall
- God's transformation of your heart
- You can call on God at any time
- I am free to re-create myself
- Standing Firm - Praying in the Spirit Day 8
- Ask God
- The Lord is the sustainer of your life
- Pick Your Battles
- Two Masters
- Slow Down, Quiet Down. Do Not Fume. Do Not Fret
- Take Refuge in Him
- Standing Firm - Truth Day Nine
- God's unfailing love and His mighty power
- Life Can Be Tough
- Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things
- Always Be Thankful
- Mending The Rip
- Twelve Signs of a Spiritual Awakening
- Standing Firm - Righteousness Day Ten
- The Lord will strengthen you and help you
- You Are Loved
- For HE Himself is our peace
- The Lord your God is God, the faithful God
- Does the Lord answer your prayers?
- New Version Of Footprints
- Standing Firm - Salvation Day Eleven
- Line up Your Heart
- As You Have Declared
- Above all, clothe yourselves with love
- There is no limit to God's faithfulness
- Christ Makes Everything New
- Let Go, Let God
- Don't Wait For Tomorrow
- Declare blessings!
- God Will Not Abandon You
- My Deliverer
- Criticized? Trust God to Defend You
- Your Strength Is Limited, God’s Is Unlimited
- Standing Firm - Faith Day Twelve
- The Good Shepherd
- God Will Not Abandon You
- Regular Feedings
- Jesus Reaches Out
- Standing Firm - Peace Day Thirteen
- You Are Forgiven
- Don’t Forget a Single Blessing
- The 7 Ups
- Resist the Devil at His Onset
- Enemies
- Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut
- Fret Buster
- Jesus didn’t leave us Without HOPE
- Alive Magazine October 2020
- Standing Firm - The Sword of the Spirit Day Fourteen
- Let Go, Let God
- Let The Lord Take Hold Of You Today
- This is the day the Lord has made
- Boldly Plan
- Know and Remember
- Continually Content
- Standing Firm - Prayer Day Fifteen
- He Gives Strength
- Perfect Love
- Gaining Strength
- You Are Not Alone
- Standing Firm - Belt of Truth Day Sixteen
- The LORD is compassionate, and filled with unfailing love
- For the Lord is good and His love endures forever
- Share His Nature
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