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  1. No Reply Necessary
  2. Spring Cleaning
  3. Maybe Yes and Maybe No
  4. Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime
  5. Baskets of Blessings Day 25
  6. Your Mistake Is Not Bigger Than God
  7. God promises to be with us, help us, strengthen us and hold us up
  8. When We Stay Calm
  9. Baskets of Blessings Day 26
  10. With the Lord in our lives we NEVER need to lose heart
  11. Really Alive
  12. A Hot Water Bottle
  13. Thank God For You!
  14. Refuse Bitterness
  15. No Matter What People Say, God Is for You
  16. God will take care of you!
  17. Baskets of Blessings Day 27
  18. Divinely Protected
  19. Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak
  20. Decide to Be Positive
  21. A house built without a strong foundation will fall down
  22. Bless Someone Today
  23. Don’t let your circumstances determine your outcome
  24. Baskets of Blessings Day 28
  25. Be an Imitator of God
  26. God knows everything
  27. Don’t Waste Your Pain
  28. Give God the reins
  29. A Refreshing
  30. God is what you need
  31. Baskets of Blessings Day 29
  32. The Lord will save you
  33. The Lord lives and you can have confidence and hope in this fact
  34. Reprogram Your Life for Greatness
  35. Teach What Is Good
  36. What God Says Goes
  37. Celebrate What’s in You
  38. God has not forgotten you
  39. The unfailing love of the Lord
  40. Baskets of Blessings Day 30
  41. For I am the LORD, your God, I, myself, will help you
  42. The Fern and The Bamboo
  43. When You Feel Buried
  44. Forgive and Show Gentleness
  45. Great Is Your Love
  46. Rededicate your life each morning
  47. Baskets of Blessings Day 31
  48. God’s Plans for You Started Before You Were Born
  49. Forgive
  50. But for the Lord, where would we be?
  51. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - June
  52. Bible Verses - June
  53. Heart for the Lord - Day 1
  54. The Pruning Process
  55. The Lord knows and understands all
  56. Live Forward
  57. Kindness
  58. Confidently Protected
  59. Don't Give Up!
  60. Heart for the Lord Day 2
  61. We All Make Mistakes
  62. Get Ready for Joy
  63. A Refreshing
  64. Forgiveness
  65. Heart for the Lord Day 3
  66. The Lord is your protective Shield
  67. The Lord has a plan and a purpose for your life
  68. More Than Gratitude
  69. Guard Your Mouth
  70. Lean into God
  71. Heart for the Lord Day 4
  72. Jesus Is Our Pattern
  73. Don't Get Distracted
  74. It Doesn’t Take Much
  75. Heart for the Lord Day 5
  76. I am the LORD, and I will...
  77. Forgive
  78. Reframing The Picture
  79. Problems, Problems, Problems
  80. Hold On
  81. Holding Grudges
  82. Heart for the Lord Day 6
  83. With God anything can change at any moment
  84. When You’re Angry, Slow Down and THINK
  85. The Lord wants to claim you as His very own child
  86. Turn Your Worries Into Prayers
  87. A safe harbor in the time of storm
  88. Heart for the Lord Day 7
  89. Listen
  90. Stinking Thinking
  91. Tell of His Goodness
  92. God Calling
  93. Triple-A Relationship Guide
  94. Whenever you feel stressed, worried or overwhelmed put your hope and trust in God
  95. In God's Hands
  96. Blessings in Sleep
  97. Let Him Lead You
  98. Joy
  99. A Prayer for When You’re Tired of Waiting
  100. Heart for the Lord Day 8
  101. Rings and Grace
  102. A State Of Mind To Be Kind
  103. At Just the Right Time
  104. Heart for the Lord Day 9
  105. If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat
  106. The Fruit of Our Words
  107. Blessed to Be a Blessing
  108. What’s in Your Hand?
  109. A Perfect Friend
  110. The Hand of God
  111. Heart for the Lord Day 10
  112. New Every Morning
  113. Don’t Worry, Pray
  114. Accept God's Acceptance
  115. Heart for the Lord Day 11
  116. The Lord is merciful and relentlessly faithful
  117. Learn From The Past
  118. The Lord wants to be your protection
  119. Let Go, Let God
  120. It’s Time to Stretch
  121. Heart for the Lord Day 12
  122. We have a steadfast God
  123. A Brand New Thing
  124. I Can’t Help It!
  125. Heart’s Desire
  126. If you find yourself in a desperate situation, don't be afraid
  127. Heart for the Lord Day 13
  128. Victory is part of the Lord's plan and purpose for your life
  129. Remember the Lord your God
  130. Cast Your Cares
  131. The steadfast love of God
  132. Alive Magazine June 2020
  133. Heart for the Lord–Day 14
  134. Make Allowances
  135. Did You Know Worry is Optional?
  136. He Doesn’t Remember
  137. Renew Your Mind Daily
  138. Strengthened Through His Spirit
  139. God’s steadfast love knows no end
  140. Treat Everyone Equally
  141. Heart for the Lord Day 15
  142. The Bond of Peace
  143. Cast Your Cares on Him
  144. The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need
  145. Taking Responsibility for Yourself
  146. Grateful
  147. Don't Give Up!
  148. Heart for the Lord Day 16
  149. Each one of us has the power to make a difference and be a blessing
  150. The Lord knows and loves you
  151. Let Your Light Shine
  152. Our help comes from the Lord
  153. He Promises Peace
  154. Someone Cares
  155. Cast your burden on the LORD
  156. Heart for the Lord Day 17
  157. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan?
  158. He is Mighty to Save!
  159. Where is God?
  160. Our Safe Place
  161. True Forgiveness
  162. Heart for the Lord Day 18
  163. Life is a treasured gift
  164. Smile!
  165. God's mighty hand
  166. Heart for the Lord Day 19
  167. The LORD Almighty is with us
  168. Impaired Judgment
  169. My Father’s Forgiveness
  170. No Longer a Victim
  171. Heart for the Lord Day 20
  172. Speak Favor to Your Mountains
  173. Forgotten Memories
  174. Get in the Flow
  175. Heart for the Lord Day 21
  176. The Lord wants to give you your own song of deliverance
  177. He Will Finish
  178. Prayer as the First Option, Not the Last Resort
  179. Every Perfect Gift
  180. Be Slow To Speak
  181. Attitude
  182. Heart for the Lord Day 22
  183. The Lord is MY rock, MY fortress and MY deliverer
  184. Make Your Move
  185. The Lord will NEVER drive you away or reject you
  186. Healing Words
  187. Fresh Start
  188. If the Door is Closed
  189. Heart for the Lord Day 23
  190. Three Easy Steps to Transforming Your Mind and Your Life
  191. Friend of God
  192. Do not worry about tomorrow
  193. Worry and fear
  194. Let it Go
  195. Heart for the Lord Day 24
  196. Victory Over Temptation
  197. He is mighty to save
  198. You have an ally and a friend in the Lord
  199. You’re Stronger than You Think
  200. The Lord is there to hear our call
  201. Stay in Sync
  202. Be Kind and Encouraging
  203. It’s Only Temporary
  204. Heart for the Lord Day 25
  205. Heart for the Lord Day 26
  206. Light in the Darkness
  207. Set Free
  208. May the bountiful love of God be thy focus
  209. Heart for the Lord Day 27
  210. Comfort
  211. Five-Finger Prayers
  212. Follow God's instructions
  213. He is the Healer
  214. Control Your Words
  215. Drop Your Baggage
  216. Heart for the Lord Day 28
  217. The Lord will deliver you out of every trouble
  218. The Lord wants to give you strength and bless you with peace
  219. Life's Little Things
  220. Footprints
  221. Heart for the Lord Day 29
  222. You can run to God and be safe
  223. Drawing from the Source
  224. Dirty Windows or Blurred Vision?
  225. Heart for the Lord Day 30
  226. All God’s Creatures
  227. Take your troubles to the Lord
  228. We Have To Refuse
  229. God Forgives
  230. Small Straws In A Soft Wind - July
  231. Bible Verses - July
  232. Just For Today Day 1 Putting Off
  233. Do You Like Yourself?
  234. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness
  235. Be Still
  236. Just For Today Day 2 Putting Off
  237. It’s No Surprise to God
  238. The Future Begins Today
  239. Slow Down, Quiet Down
  240. Free Yourself From Past Hurt
  241. Toilet roll missing
  242. Just For Today Day 3 Putting Off
  243. The Apple of His Eye
  244. I am an expression of God’s love
  245. You are valuable and precious to God and He loves you
  246. Animal Blessing
  247. Give Yourself a Break
  248. Are you thirsting for God right now?
  249. Do not let your struggles defeat you
  250. Just For Today Day 4 Putting Off